So Mean

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Author's Note: Wassup guys. Drop a vote. Leave a comment. And I think I will be happy for life 😂😇❤️

Chapter 46


I knocked on Marky's front door. I wanted to see how my cutie was doing today. And I also wanted to give him a huge good luck on the game tomorrow. The door opened, but Marky didn't appear—it was Angelica.

"Where's Marky?"

She giggled. "You're out of luck. He's not here."

I squinted my eyes. "Prove it."

She blew out a sigh and opened the door wider. I stepped inside, and she folded her arms as I checked around the house. I walked upstairs to check his bedroom. Nobody was in the house except his sister. I frowned.


I wanted to see him. I wanted to see my future husband!

I stomped downstairs. "Where is he?" I demanded.

"He's at a party."

Angelica had her arms folded over her black tank top as I walked right up to her. She didn't seem fazed by my madness. I guess she got used to it.

"What party?"

"Look, Maria, just give up," she advised. "He doesn't like you."

"That's because he doesn't know me that well," I said. "I'll make him like me."

She choked out a laugh. "You're a persistent little girl, aren't ya?"

I narrowed my focus on her. "I'm not little."

Within seconds, her dark eyes gleamed with interest. She smirked all of a sudden.

"I'll tell you what," she began. "I'll get you the man you want."

I rolled my eyes. What a load of crap.

"Okay. How?"

"I have a couple of tricks up my sleeve."

Okay. Now I was interested.

"What kind of tricks?"

She smirked again. "Magic tricks."

"Show me."

She barked out a laugh. "It doesn't work like that."

I folded my arms. This girl was either bluffing or lying. I hated liars.

"Then how does it work?"

"You wait," she answered.

"Wait for?"

"The right one."

I released a frustrated sigh. "But I don't want anybody else. I want Marky!"

"Don't worry. The right guy for you will be better than Marky."

"How the hell you know?"

"I just do."

She pulled the front door open. The night air cooled my skin. I turned to her. Her face was impassive.

"You don't have to worry, Maria," she reassured. "You'll get someone soon. And he'll be worthy of you."

I scoffed. "Yeah, right."

I walked out of the house disappointed. I didn't believe her. All I wanted was Marky. That's pretty much it. And I'll be the happiest girl alive if Marky was mine.


The day drove by rather quickly. In first period, Mr. Caro was still acting out of the ordinary and everyone in class loved it. During lunch, the football players were wild, hyped and loud for tonight's football game. Conversations about the game buzzed around the entire school campus. It was the main talk for the day. I had told Aiden about the game a couple of days ago, and he agreed to go with me. And like most guys, he loved football. But he also wanted to go to support his younger brother Jayko.

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