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I finally arrived at the lobby of the airport. I inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"Alright. Time to hit the road.", I said to myself as I dragged my luggage with my left hand and held a small blue ribboned box with my right hand. I took a taxi and looking at the places that passed by, it looked so nostalgic. I passed by our school back in the day. The school was empty like a ghost town. It was a sunday after all. Passing through many shops, I spotted the music shop where she bought her flute. The driver pulled over infront of the shop and I paid the bill. Taking my luggage with me, I entered the shop.

"How may I help you?", a voice of a guy around my age greeted me.

"Hey.", I greeted back in the hope that he still remembers me after five years. He looked and observed me really closely and he smiled.

"Good to see you're doing well Florence.", he said.

"Good to see you as well Jordan.", I replied.

"How are things going for you back there?", Jordan asked. I sighed and smiled at him.

"It's fine.", I replied.

"I bet you've graduated from college already.", Jordan teased.

"Of course I already did just a year ago.", I replied.

"Awesome. What did you take back in college?", Jordan asked.

"Music Arts Education.", I replied.

"Oh so you're a Music teacher already?", he asked and I nodded.

"I plan to work here; back in my old school.", I said.

"Putting that aside, how are you with Sophia?", Jordan asked. I sat down on the seat Jordan offered me and I frowned.

"Truth is, even I don't know the answer to that. We haven't been able to communicate since the day I left.", I replied.

"What?! Why? I mean, I thought it was going great?", Jordan asked in surprise.

"Now that I have the chance to live here again, I wanted to make things clear between Sophia and I.", I replied.

"I see. Sophia just came here the other day. To be honest, she's not looking that good. I don't know why because I don't want to invade a personal life of another person.", Jordan said. After hearing what Jordan said frightened me and it made me worry.

"I hope she's okay. You have to go and see her.", Jordan said and I nodded.

"Can I leave my things here? I promise to come back.", I asked.

"Be sure to come back here with her.", Jordan replied. I smiled at him and I dashed out of the music shop. I ran as fast as I could and I arrived infront of Sophia's house. It looked like it wasn't tended for a long time. I knocked on the door but nobody answered. I then tried to open the door and it did open.

"Hello?", I called out if there was anybody home but I didn't hear any reply. The house was dirty and it looked abandoned. Wait, did she and Mrs. Wright move out or something? I snapped myself out and I searched through the kitchen and living room but I didn't find her. I went upstairs and I first tried to look for her in her own room. I twisted the door knob and it was locked. This caught my attention. I observed the door to see if I could push it down and I can see that it was kind of old and the edges were rusty. I mustered my energy and hit the door with my right shoulder. The door moved and I pushed it again. The door was now loose and I opened it. I looked around her room and it was messy. How on earth did this happen? Knowing her, she'd be freaking out if her or someone's room was dirty. Then I noticed a shadow behind the curtains. I slowly approached it. Gently removing the curtain in front of me, I spotted a skinny girl sleeping next to a window.

A Tale Of Two Best Friends (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now