Chapter Fifteen

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"Another audition for the Music Festival 2014 and our school needs a representative!", I exclaimed.

"Woah there. I know what you're thinking. I'm not gonna audition. The pre-final exams are right around the corner!", Florence said.

"I'll help you study!", I told him.

"How can someone who let's other people make her homework, help me study for the pre-final exams?", he asked. I crossed my arms above my chest and I pouted.

"Hmph! I was only trying to help.", I replied.

"Sorry Sophia but I won't join.", Florence said.

"Fine!", I said.

"Instead, let's go grab some crépes after school?", he asked.

"Okay!", I replied.

"I have to go. I have to meet up with Brian for the project. See you later.", Florence said as he waved goodbye and walked away. It was a saturday and there were a few students. I climbed up to the sixth floor. While I was on my way up, I heard an echo of a playing piano. I arrived on the sixth floor of the school building and I slowly approached the door. I arrived in front of the door and I looked up at the sign board which said Music Room. I slowly and quietly opened the door and I was still hearing the  tone of the piano. To my eyes, I found a curly black haired boy playing the piano like he was putting all his feelings in to the piece he was playing. My eyes widen in awe as I was able to picture a couple sitting under a huge tree with thick green leaves which some of it were falling. The girl leans on the boy's shoulder and he gently rests his head beside the girl's head. But suddenly, the sillouette of the boy slowly faded away leaving the girl all alone. Sad and lonely, she just sat there and waited for the boy in the hope that he will come back but in the end, he never came. I opened my eyes and the boy playing the piano waa looking at me. Embarrassed as I was, I flustered and he told me to calm down. I calmed down and he approached me. He was now standing in front me and he was trying to get something from his pocket. He was now holding a handkerchief and he wiped my cheeks. Wait, was I in tears?! This is tolally embarrassing! Sophia you're such an idiot!

"Thanks for liking my piece.", he said. I took a step back.

"I-I didn't say anything.", I replied.

"But you cried. That means you felt my feelings and you liked it.", he said.

"W-w-w-w-what?! I never said I felt and liked your feelings. I only liked the song!", I replied. He chuckled and he looked really cute.

"See? I told you liked my piece.", he said. I sighed.

"Fine. So what of it?", I asked.

"You were the first one to hear it. Actually, I just finished it.", he replied.

"Honestly, it was beautiful. I was able to see the story behind it.

"Really? What was the story that you saw?", he asked. I told him what I saw and he smiled.

"You're right. That's the story behind the piece. You sure know a lot about music.", he said.

"Yes. I love music and my bestfriend is a musician. He plays the piano too. Just like you, he is a pianist.", I replied. He brought out his hand and I looked at it then at him.

"My name is Ken Sanders. How about you?", he asked.

"Sophia Wright.", I replied. We both shook each other's hands.

"Nice to meet you Sophia. Let's be friends.", he said.

"Will that be alright with you? I mean, we just met.", I asked him.

"Of course. Every person becomes friends the first time they meet and have common interests.", he replied.

"Alright. Let's be friends.", I said and smiled. He smiled back at me and gosh his smile was making me so concious.

"I ah, have to go. I still have a class in a few minutes.", I told him.

"Alright. I'll see you around?", he asked. I nodded and when I turned back, I couldn't help but smile. I exited the room and went back to my classroom.

"You sure look happy. Did something happen?", Florence asked.

"Yes. Something good happened. I made a new friend.", I replied.

"Really? That's great! Can you introduce your new friend to me?", he asked and I nodded. After school, I went to my locker and Florence went with me. Suddenly, I sensed a tap on my shoulder while I was busy placing all my books inside my locker. I closed my locker and turned around to see Ken standing in front of Florence and I.

"Hey Sophia! Fancy meeting you here.", he said.

"Same goes for me. What are you doing here?", I asked.

"My locker happens to be 201.", he replied.

"Mine is 202!", I replied.

"Looks like our lockers are next to each other.", he said and I nodded.

"By the way, let me introduce you to my bestfriend. Ken, this is Florence. Florence, this is Ken.", I introduced them to each other. Ken and Florence shook hands.

"Nice to meet yu Ken.", Florence said.

"Nice to meet you too Florence.", Ken replied. Yey! I hope the three of us can be good friends!

A new friend! Will their friendship really go well? I hope so ;)

Another update!! I hope you like it. Don't forget to comment, vote, and share guys :))


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