Chapter Four

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So here's the thing. You know what? Brandon Evans, yes my lifetime crush finally talked to me! Isn't that great? Florence has to know about this! He'll be happy for me I know it. 

"Good Morning Sophia." A familiar voice shouted to me. I turned around to see my best friend standing there, waiting for me. I ran up to him and hugged him really tight. I love hugging him. He's just so...huggable.

"Guess what?" I excitingly asked him. 

"You finally passed the math exam?", he asked. 

"Nope. Brandon finally talked to me! Isn't that great?!", I announced proudly. But I noticed that he didn't quite smile. I thought he would be happy for me?

"Good for you. Let's go. Today is the first day of our exam week. We have to be early." So after he said what he had to say, he just walked away. What's wrong with him? He's been acting weird recently. Like he's not my old best friend... it's weird. We arrived in school. Florence arrived early leaving me behind. What's his problem?! It's starting to get on my nerves. I will really talk to him on lunch break. What seemed like hours seemed like forever especially during our math exam. Finally lunch came. I speedily went out of the room and went to Florence's exam room. Guess who I bumped into? Brandon Evans! My butt kissed the floor and it hurted so bad.

"Oh I'm really sorry Brandon." I told him while I was struggling to stand up. He grabbed my hand to help me. The worst part is, Florence saw the exact time Brandon was holding me hand while I was standing face to face with Brandon. Way to go Sophia! You've put on a great show for your best friend. Florence approached us trying to hide his sad face. I guess.

"Hi there Sophia." Florence greeted me. I can feel that he doesn't like Brandon and he's trying to avoid him. 

"We need to talk." I mumbled in his ear as he grabbed my arm and said to Brandon,

"Excuse me, she's mine. I'll take her back. Thank you very much.". Actually, I liked the way Florence was being protective. It made me smile.




 I got really pissed of seeing them together. I pulled Sophia away from that bastard. I know him alright. He's a womanizer. I know the fact that my best friend is still a virgin and I don't want that creep taking it away from her. She deserves a good man. 

"What is wrong with you?" Sophia asked.

"Nothing." I answered plainly. I didn't want us to fight since we never ever fought seriously. Sure we had misunderstandings but never had a fight. I can't handle fighting with my best friend. I never had any close friends because I always hang out with Sophia. My classmates scare me with possibilities that I may lose my best friend. The reason that I'm doing everything for her is because I don't ever want to lose her. There's no way that I could. 

"Florence, don't hide anything from me. I know you. You've been acting weird lately. What's wrong? I'm worried about you." She pouted. I knew how worried she was. I tried to gather myself.

"I'm fine and I'm not hiding anything from you." I locked my eyes on her eyes. We stared at each other for about five minutes. But hey who's counting? I cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead. I assured her that everything is alright. She smiled at me and it made me smile back.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Sophia, don't worry about me. You should probably worry about reviewing your exams for this afternoon since lunch break is almost over." She looked down on her anime themed watch.

"Oh no! I totally forgot! I have to go back okay? You take care of yourself . I love you." She kissed my cheek and off she went. I just stood there, stunned about her soft, warm, and sweet kiss. Taken back by the warning bell, I hurriedly went back to my exam room.


It looks like Florence is planning to hide his feelings. awww... :(

HEY!!!! Sorry for the very late update. Wifi was really slow and the LAN connection was super duper mega mega slow :( anyway, hope you like this chappie :) I'm accepting any comments and banners and requests :) 

Stay tuned for the next update :)

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