Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Alright.", I said. Please... I hope I made the right decision. I went to my room and for the first time, I cried in pain.




"Good morning!", greeted a familar voice. I turned around and I saw Florence. A smile formed on my lips.

"Good morning.", I shyly greeted him back. He placed his right arm around my shoulders and he pulled me closer to him. It felt warm and sweet. I liked it.

"Do you want a lift?", he asked and without hesitation, I nodded. I think this made him happy as he held my hand and dragged me with him.

"Where's your bicycle?", I asked.

"It's being fixed. Don't worry, I'll be your bicycle today.", he replied.

"Eh?", I was confused. He then carried me like a princess. The people passing by looked at us.

"Florence, put me down!", I demanded. He just laughed and didn't listen. Struggling was useless. What's gotten into him? We arrived in school and he finally put me down.

"Thanks.", I said. Beads of sweat was streaming down Florence's forehead but he was still smiling. Then the thought about my weight came to me. I suddenly became embarrassed and I blushed. After looking at him, I thought that maybe he was sweating a lot because I was heavy.

"What's wrong? Your face is red.", he asked. Instead of replying, I looked for my handkerchief. Sheez! It's not here. Crap! I forgot to bring it! Good job. Just when I needed it. Truly, a job well done Sophia. While searching through my bag, I found my gym shirt. I took it out but instead of gently wiping it to his face, I accidentally hit his handsome face. I squeeled in shock.

"Oh my! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!", I said.

"Hey, are you really alright? You're acting weird.", Florence said.

"Weird?", I continued, "I'm not acting weird.", I replied.

"Oh. Alright. But are you letting me use your gym shirt?", he asked and I nodded.

"Okay.", he said as he wiped his face and wet hair. He still looked handsome even though his hair was wet and messy. I never realized how handsome my best friend was... like a prince charming.

"Day dreaming now are we?", he asked as his smirking face was inches away from mine. I stepped back and he chuckled.

"Let's go day dreamer.", he said as he walked first bringing with him both of our bags.

"Who are you calling a day dreamer?!", I asked in embarrassment.




I had to spend more time with her. I only had a little more time left. I also needed to know her answer. I have to ask her.

"Hey, let's eat together today.", I said. Sophia agreed and we went to the cafeteria.

"What would you want to eat?", I asked.

"The usual.", she replied.

"Alright. I'll go and order.", I said but before I could go, another guy had crashed onto a girl holding a tray. This girl then dropped her tray on Sophia who was now covered in food.

A Tale Of Two Best Friends (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now