Chapter 14

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I'm sitting at the little table in the kitchen area with Debbie as we're the first ones up. Perrie took most of the blanket because she was cold so I tucked her in and got up to make some tea. I got a little fright when I saw Debbie sat there. So she kindly made us both some tea, and sat down opposite me.

"Hey, how did Perrie handle her and Zayn's breakup?" She asks.

"Well they were shouting on the phone and then she came to cuddle with me because right before hand Sam had sent me a text breaking up with me. Anyways we were watching the Today Show and he said that they were still together, so she went apeshit on the phone to him. She got a little angry and was going to throw her phone but luckily I stopped her" I take a sip of my tea.

"I think you'd be the only person that would be able to calm her down" she laughs.

"It's not hard" I giggle thinking of all the times she gets angry and no one can calm her down, but she just hugs me and then she's fine.

"She really does have a soft spot for you. I don't know what it is but she does"

"I've been told" I smile.

"It's adorable really, she's like a big teddy bear when it comes to you. Always wanting cuddles" Perrie walks down the little pathway, stretching showing her small abs.

"Who said teddy bear?" She asks rubbing her eyes and sitting next to me.

"I said your like a big teddy bear when it comes to Jade, it's adorable" she blushes slightly and picks up my mug, taking a drink of my tea.

"Oiii that's mine" I pout.

"Yeah well you love me" my eyes widen and so do hers when she realizes what she's just said, when Debbie is sitting with us.

"Meh" I joke and rub her thigh, her body shudders and I can't help but giggle at the effect I have over her.

"So what's today's plans for the love birds?" Both our heads quickly turn to face Debbie with wide eyes.

"Wait, what?" I ask.

"You may as well be dating, you's are cute together" I can't help the blush that spreads across my face.

"Nah she's just my little teddy bear at the moment, right jadey?" She winks at me causing me to blush even more.

"Yep" Jesy and Leigh walk through giggling about something.

"you know your really loud right?" Perrie says.

"Woah sorry mother" Jesy holds her hands up in mock defense. My mam walks through behind them. All three sit down, squashing Perrie and I so there's no room for us two. So she simply pulls me on to her lap and pulling me close to her.

"So tonight we're going to a club, you two fancy coming?" Leigh asks "I need my drinking buddy, jadey"

"Yeah we need a good party!" Perrie answers for both of us.

"What about our mams though?" I ask "I doubt you two will want to come to a club with us"

"Nah we're got to just stay on here, y'know have a nice chat and a cuppa" my mam smiles and Debbie nods in agreement.

"Well can we cuddle for now?" I whisper to Perrie.

"Yeah, c'mon then babe" she rubs my thigh before I stand up. When I'm out the little booth off of her lap, I pull her up by her hand. As we walk away I'm still holding her hand so that it looks like I'm leading her to somewhere.

"Don't be too loud" Jesy jokes and all three laugh. Perrie sticks her thumbs up as we walk away.

"She'll try not to be" I gasp and hit her arm.

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