Chapter 6

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"Perrie what happened last night?"

I was woke by Jesy's voice echoing from the kitchen area. So I just lie there attempting to listen to everything they say. Hang on, Perrie's not here? Then what am I cuddling? I look to find a pillow where she was lying. Oh.

"Oh Zayn, he's a fucking arsehole! He expected me to leave Jade to go see him because he was in Glasgow too, like I give a crap! All he ever wants now is sex, I feel like his doll" Perrie rants.

"What happened with Jade?" Leigh asks.

"That's not my place to say" she answers in a quieter voice. It made me smile over how considerate she is over people's feelings.

"Okay, so you and Zayn?" Jesy asks.

"I'm done with that dickhead. He had been cheating on me!" I gasp and they stop talking. I hear footsteps and then the curtain opens.

"Hey poopey, you alright?" Perrie asks concerned.

"I heard what he did" she sighs and nods. "I'm sorry Pezz" I hug her the best I can, she picks me up like a koala, making me cling to her side.

"So am I, I kind of guessed her was anyways" she mutters. I peck her cheek and she turns and smiles, blushing a little. She carries me where the girls are sat eating, I notice the plate and glass.

"Look lil jadeys up" Perrie smiles putting me down in front of the plate.

"Er Pezz isn't someone sitting here?" I ask.

"Nope that's yours"

"Thanks" I smile and start eating the bacon sandwich.

"So Jade, is everything alright between you and Sam?" Leigh asks.

"No, he dumped me last night" I sigh, feeling my eyes fill up. Perrie wraps her arm around me and strokes my arm, but then pulls me onto her lap instead.

"We had a cuddle and a chat in my bunk though didn't we?" I nod "basically we're on the pull and your taken" we stuck our tongues out at them. The only person I want to pull is you. Leigh winks at me making me glare back at her.

"What was that?" Perrie asks noticing us.

"What was what?" Leigh asks innocently.

"You just winked at her and she glared back" she points confused.

"It's nothing" I say.

"Tell mehhh" Perrie says, she hates not knowing what happens.

"Well basically Jade had a dirty dream the other night" I glare at her and she holds her hands up.

"Ooo what was it about?" Jesy asks.

"Hmm I wonder what" I answer sarcastically.

"Was that when I woke up because you were on top of me?" Perrie asks, not noticing how dirty she sounds. The other two look at me smirking

"I was trying to get back into the bunk okay?" I say.

"Yeah that's totally what you were doing" Perrie winks, making me blush.

"She-" Leigh gets cut off by a voice.

"Okay girls listen up!" Sam comes through on her phone.

"Aye aye captain Sam" Jesy salutes her making us all laugh, including Sam.

"Right so you've got a night in a hotel for a change" we cheer and she laughs.

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