Chapter 9

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I go to cuddle back into Jade's warm body, nothing. I put my hand out to feel around the bunk for her, nothing. I would have noticed if she got up before me this morning. I climb out the bunk and went to go look in the kitchen area, until I heard her little snores coming from one of the bunks. I look in hers, nothing. I listen again and realized that it was coming from one of the other girls bunks. I bend down a little so I can here better between Jesy and Leigh's. I open the curtain slightly to Leigh's, she was lying flat out asleep. I done the same to Jesy's, Jade's body cuddled up to hers and Jesys arms wrapped around her with her chin on her head. I felt something run through my whole body.


I close the curtain and think for a second. Why is this happening all of a sudden? We all do it all the time so what's so different this timev. I open Leigh's curtain and prod her side. She rubs her eyes and looks up at me.

"Hey Pezz, what's up?" She yawns.

"Can I lie with you? I need a Leigh-Leigh cuddle" she smiles and shuffles over "thanks"

"What's wrong?" She wraps her arms around me and I lie my head on her shoulder.

"I don't know really, just don't feel the best" I lie.

"Ah well, try to go back to sleep. I love lerrie cuddles" she rests her head against mine.

"Love you Leigh" I pecked her neck.

"Love you too Pezza" she kissed my head. With that I fell back asleep



I woke up, really needing a wee. So I wiggle out of Jesy's grip and run to the loo. Once I've done that, I go and see if Perrie's moved so I can cuddle with her again. I pull back the curtain, seeing no sign off the blonde. I shrug thinking she'd have her head in the fridge at this time. I walk to the kitchen area but stop dead in my tracks when I hear her sneeze. I pull the curtain back to Leigh's bunk and see them both cuddled together. I look at the two and they look so cozy and happy. I quickly close it and go to the kitchen. I switch the kettle on and make my cup of tea, then grab a couple of biscuits and sit at the little table. I go to eat one and I just can't. What is wrong with me? Why am I so hurt by this?

We're best friends right?

Yeah, best friends that kiss and have sex. Your in love with her god damn it, that's why! I groan and put my head on the table. I feel the chair move a little meaning that someone had sat down on the other side. I look up and see Leigh-Anne sitting opposite, looking at me curiously.

"Is everything okay poopey?" She asks.

"Yeah I just don't feel the best" I lie.

"Your not the only one" she smiles sympathetically.

"What'd ya mean?" I ask.

"Perrie's not feeling too good either. She came into my bunk earlier asking for and I quote "a Leigh-Leigh cuddle" because of that" I nod.

"I went to cuddle with jes last night because I couldn't get back into hers, you've seen how she sleeps" I smile.

"Yeah I know" she laughs "If I was you I'd go see her, you always manage to make her feel better" I smile and manage to eat one of the biscuits, then walk through to Leigh's bunk. I open the curtain and she's lying to the far side, so I climb in next to her. As if like an instinct she cuddles into me.

"Hey Pezz" I smile as she nuzzles her nose on the top of my head.

"I missed my cuddles last night" she pouts.

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