Chapter 10

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I wake up because I can here Perrie sneeze behind me. Before I could hit her with a pillow, she nuzzles her nose in my neck and wraps her arms back around my waist.

"Eww! Got your snotty nose out my neck!" I then hit her with my pillow.

"It isn't snotty! I wiped it" she nods proudly.

"Good" I giggle.

"Now, morning babe" she smiles.

"Mornin' cutie" i smile back and peck her lips. I pull back and snuggle back into her chest, she smiles and plays with my hair. We lay there like that for an hour, I scrolled through twitter and we laughed at some of the comments and tweets we saw from our fans.

"Maybe we should get up" she suggests.

"Wait" I think about saying it but then I think the others may be listening. So I quickly type "should we tell the girls about us?" Onto the notes app on my phone.

"I think it would be better of it was our little secret for now" she smiles "it'll be like sneaking around, like two teenagers"

"Yeah, you'd be the one that's constantly horny" I joke.

"You sure about that now Thirlwall?" She asks cheekily and I nod. "Well I'll have to prove you wrong won't i"

"Good luck with that" I peck her lips again and climb out the bunk. I go to the kitchen and notice no ones up yet, so I make two mugs of coffee for us. I feel two arms wrap around my waist and I lean back into them.

"Aw thanks babe" we pick up the mugs and go to lie on the sofas. I get a fright as Leigh-Anne and Jesy are sprawled out across the sofa.

"Holy shit" I gasp and jump a little, but not spilling my coffee.

"Sorry" Leigh laughs.

"We thought you two were still in bed?" Perrie asks confused.

"No we heard you mumbling and the beds are cramped so we thought it would be easier to lie in here instead" Jesy tells us. I look at Perrie and she looks back.

"Okay then" we shrug. Perrie lies down and pats the sofa for me to join her. So I sit on her and she laughs.

"Jadey get off me!" She hits my back.

"But you wanted me to sit here, so I am" I smile innocently.

"I meant to lie down you idiot!" I nod and lie in front of her. She drapes her arm over my torso and pulls me closer. I smile and she pulls a blanket over us. Leigh smiles at us too and cuddles into Jesy.

About 10 minutes later I feel Perrie's hand go downwards a little, her nails running over my abs. She plays with my underwear, which makes me squirm a little. The other two are too busy watching whatever is playing on the TV to realise. She carries on and it gets harder to compose myself, so I stand up.

"Well I'm going in the shower" I quickly walk out.

"What was that all about?" Jesy asks Perrie.

"I dunno" she looks at me and winks. I glare at her from the bathroom door and she wiggles her eyebrows at me. I laugh and open the door. I close it behind me and undress, switching the shower on. I step in and close the shower curtain. I start to wash my hair when I hear a slight knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I sing.

"Pezza" she sings back. The door opens slightly but before she walks in I hear Jesy and Leigh say something to her.

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