Chapter 3

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I woke up by a loud thump and laughter. I open the curtain, rubbing my eyes. There's Leigh, lying on the floor. Jesy, jade and most of the mix men looking too and laughing their heads off. I realise Leigh had obviously rolled out of her bunk.

"That's why I don't like the top bunks" she grumbles getting up off the floor.

"What happened like?" I yawn.

"Jes said something and I rolled over to talk to her and rolled out the bloody bed" she rubs her head.

"I-it was so f-funny" Jesy laughs holding her stomach.

"Mornin' Pezz, how'd you sleep?" Jade smiles.

"Mornin' poopey, meh okay I guess. I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep, so I just lay thinking. You?"

"Alright, thanks. What were you thinking about?" You

We both jump out of our bunks and go to the little kitchen area. I grab two bowls out the little cabinet and jade makes us both cuppas, and I make us cereal.

"Just things really" We sit opposite each other in the little booth table thing.

"Like...?" She asks.

"Er what's going on with Zayn. Why he's acting like a prick and stuff like that" I lie.

"Don't get yourself worked up over it baba, he's obviously just sleep deprived from traveling to different countries all the time" she shoves a spoonful of cocoa pops into her mouth.

"True, I guess" I mumble and then Jade thinks of something.

"Hey, you've never told me the real story of how you two met and stuff" she points the spoon at me.

"Well you know, the X factor..." I lie again. I can't tell her the real story, or can I? I mean it's only jade, I can't trust her with my life.

"Details..." Shit

"Can you keep a secret and I mean it's pretty big"

"I promise" she stuck her pinkie out and wrapped it around mine.

"Well management made Zayn and I date.." I mumble. She chokes on her cereal.

"Are you serious?!" Her jaw hanging open.

"At first yeah but the more we got to know each other. Well, the more we liked each other" I play with my cereal, moving it around with my spoon.

"So now..?" She asks.

"Oh it's real now" I answered.

"Your secrets safe with me hon" she scoots round and hugs me tight, causing a flutter in my abdomen.

"How's sam?" I ask as she sits back opposite me.

"He's good" she smiles.

"If you ask me, your smitten" I smile.

"I wouldn't go that far" she looks up at me. I don't know why, but I felt a tad jealous.

"Why?" I ask curiously.

"I don't know really. When I'm with him, he just seems to zone out a lot, yino?" She sighs.

"Hey he's probably just thinking about how to treat you next" I put my hand on top of hers to comfort her, that's when I felt it. A connection.

"Did you just give me an electric shock?" She giggled. Does this mean she felt it too?

"I thought you gave me one?" I giggled too.

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