Chapter 12

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We're still lying on the sofa's when I remember that we should actually start to get ready for the interview. Saying as we arrive at the place in less than half an hour. I nudge Jade and instead of getting up, she cuddles further into my front.

"Poopey, you need to shift. We need to change" I whisper.

"But I don't wanna" she whines.

"Well I'm not going to dress you" I laugh. She looks up at me with a face that screams innocences, but she has a mischeivoius glint in her eyes.

"Who said you couldn't? I'm all for that idea"

"Get up you cheeky shit" she pouts but stands up anyways

We walk through to our bunks and get our clothes out. I take the blue highwaisted jeans and black crop top into the batroom but before I close the door I hear Sam shout something.

"Er girls you need to see this. Especially you Perrie"

I dump the clothes back on the bed and walk back into the TV area. I join the other four in crowding around the TV on the closest sofa. Sam plays the programme and a One Direction interview shows on the screen.

"Sam, why the he-"

"Just watch"

I shut up and turn my head back to face the screen. Niall and Liam on the two chairs, Zayn, Louis and Harry behind on stools. The camera shows the two interviewers from the Today Show, the same two that interviewed us.

"So how are things on the relationship front? I know three out of you five are in a one"

"Sophia and I are reallly happy together, she's amazing" Liam smiles.

"Elenor is so sweet and fun to be around, I love her so much" Louis nods in agreement with what Liam said.

"Perrie's amazing. She's so hilarious, and kind hearted. We barely have time for each other as we're both touring right now. I really love her"

All of our jaws drop. They all look at me because I swear, steam is coming out of my ears. My eyes go to Jade and she has a look of hurt and anger across her face.

"I'm going to kill him" I growl, the anger completely taking over my head.

"I thought you two broke up?" Jade says sadly.

"We did, I swear! I came and told you because you heard the argument we had over the phone. And what he done to me whilst we were dating" Her face looks relieved and nods.

"So what are we going to do?" Leigh asks.

"I don't know about yous but I'm going to kill that prick" I storm out the room and grab my phone, dialling his number. I walk to the back of the bus like the last time.

"Hey babe"

"Don't you fucking babe me. What don't you get? We broke up remember" I spit.

"Oh please, that was just an argument. You wouldn't want to break up with me baby, you love me and you need me" I can hear to smug tone to his voice.

"Zayn I don't need you! I specifically remember you saying you had cheated on me copius amounts of times and also I remember saying we were over"

"That was a minor fight"

"We're over! Do I need to spell it out for you? W E A R E O V E R. Try and get that into your fucking thick skull!" My voice raising with every word. I hang up before he can say anything else.

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