Chapter 5

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"do you love Sam?"

"I don't know" I sigh and lean over to kiss her cheek "nanite mam"

I stand up and go to my bunk. But stop when I hear soft little snores coming from Perrie. I open her curtain a little and see her facing me, but with her eyes closed. I smile and kiss her forehead, and giggle when she smiles. I close the curtain and get into my bunk. I attempt to get to sleep but give up when I know I can't.

I just lie in bed thinking about everything my mam just said. Do I love Sam? I guess not. I think I'm in love with a blonde haired, blue eyed beauty. How do I know? Everything my mam said, reminded me of Perrie. The way she makes me feel loved, how she treats me, the little things she does for me, when we play fight she always makes sure I'm okay and then I get her back. She always makes me smile and if I'm upset or scared, just being around her calms me down. We have a connection, and I know she feels it too, because of the other morning. She makes me feel safe. I know I could trust her with my life and she'd keep it safe.

I groan and put my head in my pillow. I should be thinking about Sam, my boyfriend like that. Not Perrie, my best friend/bandmate/sister like that.

"Jade? You okay?" Jesy asks from behind the closed curtain.

"Yeah" I sigh opening it, to be met by her confused and worried face.

"Doesn't sound it" she raises her eyebrow. I move back to let her in my bunk, which she smiles and crawls in. "So what's bothering ya?" She asks snuggling under the covers sigh me and rubs my side.

"Is it Sam?" I nod.

"I haven't seen him in a while and he zones out when I'm talking to him or ignores me when the other boys are there" She pulls me into her. God I love Jesys hugs, they're so warm and loving.

"I know how you feel poopey, same things happening with Jordan" she rubs my back.

"Boys eh" we laugh quietly. "everything will get better, I promise" she kisses my forehead.

"Thanks" I smile. "Nanite jes, love you" she pouts, I laugh and peck her lips. Told you, we all do it.

"Love you too jadey, get some sleep" she climbs out my bunk and tucks me in. Then closes the curtain.

Jesys like a big sister Perrie and I never had, and another one for Leigh. Even though Perrie's the youngest we both get considered as the babies, me because I'm the smallest. But I just think it's because Leigh and Jesy are only a few months apart and we're like a year and a bit, 2 years for Perrie. But they act the same age as us, well I'm the most like a big kid because who doesn't love Disney?

With that thought, I start to fall asleep.


I wake up to the heavenly smell of bacon. Yep, my mams definitely here. She must have to make loads, us 4, the dancers, Sam and herself. I climb out my bunk and hear laughter from the kitchen area. I still check on Perrie though because she can't exactly smell the food. I open her curtain and see her cuddled into her pillow.

"Pezz" I nudge her attempting to wake her up. Nothing

"C'mon Pezza, mammy Norma's made breakfast" I shake her shoulder. Nothing again, even when I mention food, she must be in a deep sleep. I hear someone walk next to me, I look and it's Jesy and Leigh.

"I take it the sleepy shit won't wake up?" Jesy asks, I shake my head.

"Shhh" I watch as they pour a bottle of freezing cold water on her. She shoots up.

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