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"Come on... come on... come on. There's gotta be something in here."

I shuffled around my bag looking for what I thought would help.

"Dammit!" I screamed, kicking the bag out of the way.

I had biked all the way back to Castle Byers, hoping to find something, anything at all, that would help me save Will. But there was nothing, not a single thing. I pressed two fingers against the bridge of my nose and sighed.

"Okay, okay..." I grabbed the lighter from my bag and stuffed it into my pocket along with my knife.

I went outside, wasting no time at all to hop on my bike and pedal off. My legs hurt faintly from the burn of pedaling so much and so fast, but it was worth it. It was very difficult to see anything in front of me because of how hard the rain had been coming down. I was tired and soaking wet, but I didn't care.

I wanted to save Will.

I made it back to the field in less than ten minutes. I biked into the barn, practically leaping off of the bike as I made it inside, and threw my stuff down on a bale of hay. I ran around the barn looking for anything more that would help me. I came across some rope (that I took off one of the bales), a shovel, and a small hatchet.

I smiled and ran to the barn's entrance. But that smile quickly faded when I heard that all-too-familiar sound.

I turned around to see three demogorgons heading my way. My eyes widened when I saw the tall and lanky figures. The rain was still pouring, but the creatures were seemingly so clear to see. The sky had gone from its usual red color, to a gradient of the scarlet and black. The sight frightened me at first, but I had only one thing set in my mind.

I turned around, repeating the words "gotta save Will" to myself as I walked.

Growl. (Just come with us, y/n. Don't worry about your friend.)

That stopped me in my tracks.

"No, please, I have to get to Will. He needs my help!"

Growl. (You have a job to finish.)

"No! I- I can't. I don't know how to help you with all of this."

Growl. (You have to help us.)

I rolled my eyes and began to head back for the hole. I heard the sound of air rushing towards me. I looked over my shoulder to see a large shadowy figure with tentacle-like arms reaching out. My breath quickened and I started to make a run for it. As I ran, all the vines that littered the ground began to snake their way towards me, trying to grab and trip me.

I could only manage to move about fifteen feet or so (which compared to the field itself was nothing), before they got a good grip around my ankle. I let out a sharp screech as I fell forward. I turned around to see the shadow coming at me as the vines wrapped themselves around me.

I turned to see that the hatchet in my hand had landed about two feet away. I let out a hopeless whimper as I reached for the small axe. It was barely out of my grasp. I tried to wriggle free from the vines' hold, but couldn't.

I grabbed the knife from my overall pocket, struggling a bit, and started cutting away at the vines wrapping around my torso. As if on cue, the shadow monster hissed in response.

I extended my arm out above me to grab the hatchet and brought it down harshly on the ground beside my feet.

Another screech from the creature.

I kept chopping, making sure I didn't come too close to my own body. Eventually, I got free and took off in my original direction, ducking and dodging each vine that flew after me. I glanced back once to see how far the monsters were, but they seemed to have disappeared. As if I thought too soon, I turned back around only to come face to face with a demogorgon.

Gasping, I tripped and fell backwards. It looked down at me and snarled a mean snarl.

Growl. (We can't let you leave.)


Growl. (You don't understand.)

"Please!" I cried. "I just want to go home."

Another demogorgon came up behind it, them being only about two yards away from me. They both opened up their faces and roared at me loudly.

I inched myself backwards a bit, supporting myself up on my hands. I stood up slowly, hands behind my back and wrapped around the handle of the axe tightly. The demogorgons charged at me, and, out of defense, I took the axe and swung it forwards. I pierced through one's arm and cut into the other's side simultaneously. Both demogorgons and the shadow creature shrieked hauntingly.

The shadow extended its long arms towards me, which were large enough on their own to be cyclones. I took off running, trying to out-run the tornado-like arms of the creature. One of them came twisting towards me, coming from the side. I ran at full speed as I noticed how the monster was literally tearing up the field.

I kept running until I got near the large hole in the ground. I looked back one last time then leaped into the hole, squeezing my eyes closed and bracing myself for impact on the ground. My feet, however, never came in contact with the ground. I opened one eye to see why I wasn't moving. I gasped in awe of what was happening and both eyes shot open wide.

I was floating in the air.

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