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I made my way inside where I found my dad helping my little brother with homework and my mom cooking dinner in the kitchen.

"Hey, kiddo. Where have you been? Haven't seen you since this morning."

"Of course, honey, they've been at school all day," my mom joked.

My dad waved off her sarcasm and returned his attention to me. He nodded as if to urge me to answer his question.

"Oh, uh, nowhere. Just, hanging out with friends."

I ran upstairs to take a shower, noticing there was no Rachel giggling on the phone to Ross.

"Hey mom, is Rachel having dinner at Ross' tonight?" I called down the stairs.

"No, honey. Why?" she answered.

"Oh, um, no reason. Just wondering!"

I thought it was odd, but not unusual. I shrugged it off, assuming that Rachel probably just snuck out to see Ross again. I grabbed my things from my room and jumped into the shower.

Mid-rinse, the lights started flickering.

"Hello?" I called out, but no one answered. "Come on, this isn't funny guys!"

The lights stopped flickering and I continued my shower, shaking away the unsettling feeling in my chest. After getting dressed, I fixed my hair and went into my room. That's when I noticed that nearly all the lights were out. The bathroom light and the lamp in my bedroom were the only sources of light on in the house.

"Hey knock it off! This really isn't funny," but still, no one answered. "Hello? Is anybody there? Aren't we supposed to be getting ready for dinner?"

It was still silent throughout the house and I began to panic. I carefully made my way into my room. I rushed in, closed the door shut, and locked it.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit..." I rambled on as I tried to call 911 on my rotary phone.

I had no luck, though. My phone cord had been snatched from the wall. I grabbed a flashlight from my dresser drawer and my pocket knife.

Suddenly, I heard a weird growling noise. My heart stopped as I turned around and saw my bedroom wall mutate into a creepy monster. I screamed and ran out of my room, practically knocking the entire door down. I ran downstairs and out of my front door where the monster chased me. I ran for another five minutes before realizing the monster was no longer behind me.

I stopped, catching my breath and took in my surroundings. I didn't want to go back to my house yet, just in case there was a monster still in there. I walked around for a while and tried to figure out where I was. It didn't take me long to realize that I was down the street from Hawkins High School. The sky was a dark and pale grayish blue. I walked to the front steps of the school and tried the door. Locked. There was no person or car in sight, which I found to be unusual for Hawkins High on a Thursday evening. I decided to walk back home since there was nothing else for me to do. I walked around my block for a while before sneaking my way up to my front porch and back inside the house.

Before I could close the door I saw the monster across the street running after me. That's when I finally got a good look at it. It was really tall, it had no eyes, and it's face came with rows and rows of razor sharp teeth. I screamed as I ran inside and slammed the door shut. I rushed upstairs and into to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I mentally cursed myself, unsure of why I thought that would keep me any safer. I stepped into the bathtub and fumbled around for my pocket knife, holding it out towards the door and ready to strike.

It was silent for only a few moments before I heard another growl. The monster burst through the wall. I threw the knife in its neck and backed up quickly. It let out a high shriek, but quickly recovered after yanking it out. I backed into the corner between the toilet and the shower, throwing everything in sight at the evil creature.

"Stop!" I yelled.

I was so scared. Why was this happening to me? I covered my face, closed my eyes, and screamed.

"Go away! Please go away! Leave me alone!"

Suddenly, I hear someone knock in the door.

"Y/n? Are you okay? We heard you screaming," my dad called from the other side of the door.

I opened my eyes and realized the lights had stopped flickering and all the items I had thrown were back in their place. I stood up quickly and straightened my clothes.

"Uh, yeah... yeah! I just thought I, um, saw a spider," I lied.

"Oh. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine really. It's gone now anyways."

He hummed in response as if he bought my story. If I told my family the truth about what had just happened, they'd think I was crazy.

"Um... I'll, uh, b-be right out," I called out.

"Okay," he answered kindly.

I rinsed my face and looked around the bathroom.

"What the hell just happened?" I whispered to myself.

I exited the bathroom and went downstairs where my family was sitting down for dinner.

"You okay?" I turned around to see Rachel.

"Huh? Oh, yeah... I'm fine," I said, still in a bit of shock.

"Hey, where the were you when I got home?" I whisper yelled at her.

She put a finger up to her lips as to shush me and pulled me away.

"I snuck out to go see Ross. Look, Troy already busted us, and we almost got us caught by their parents. Just, please don't tell mom and dad. I don't need them knowing I snuck out again," she spoke in a hushed whisper.

I nodded, "Relax, I had no intentions of doing so."

"Good. Thank you."

"Guys come sit down and eat," Mom called out.

We sat down and ate our dinner, although I wasn't too hungry. I mindlessly pushed the food around on my plate with my fork, silently hoping that my family wasn't paying much attention to me. My mind was too busy thinking about the events that just took place and how I'd tell the guys tomorrow at school.

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