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What I saw through this glass was terrible. Right there, in the center of the wall, was a huge burning hole, much similar to the portal I went through when I was brought here.

"Is this what you wanted me to see?"

The monsters behind me growled in response. I examined the many buttons and labels on the panel board in front of me.

"My friend," I turned to the monsters. "I need to talk to him. He has to know that I'm okay."

One of the beasts pointed across the room, where there was a ham radio on a table. I walked over to the radio, setting it to the frequency Will and I had agreed upon using, and picked up the small mic. I looked back over to the monsters who growled again.

"Will? Will, are you there?"

No answer.

"Will, do you copy? Will... this is y/n, do you copy?"

I sighed and plopped down in one of the chairs in the room. I glanced over at the creatures again who just stood there facing my direction.

"What am I supposed to do? Why am I here?"

The just stood there. I sighed and walked back up to them.

"Come on!" I spat out angrily, "Why am I here? What do you want from me? Why me? Why Will? Of all the people in Hawkins, why me and him?"

My words came out harshly and I could feel my face growing hotter by the second. One of them stepped forwards and grabbed me by the arm. It pulled me over to glass window, and pointed to the portal.

"I can't understand you!" I cried.

My eyes were tearing up and my head started to hurt. Completely forgetting about my leg, I angrily walked back toward the elevator. But before I could reach it, the other beast jumped out in front of me, making me fall backwards. It growled again, but this didn't sound like it's usual growl. It sounded sort of... sad?

I stood back up and looked the monster in the face. I reached my hand out and up for it's face. As if on cue, it knelt down and leaned in towards me. I touched the top of its head and widened my eyes. I could think, or feel maybe, everything the monster could. I felt a rush of realization go through my body. I pulled my hand away quickly and looked up.

"You want me to close the portal?" I spoke in a softer tone.

The monsters growled in unison. I walked back over to the window, both creatures following me, and stared out at the huge red portal.

"I don't think I can do that... or at least I don't know how to." I sighed, wiping the tears from my eyes. "But I guess there's no harm in trying."

**Time Skip**

The small analog clock on the dash board of the panel read 9:58 p.m., although I wasn't sure what the date was. The monsters had fallen asleep against the wall by the door. I had been up for the past three hours trying to contact Will.

"Will? Will... please come in."

Radio silence.

I sighed and set down the hand radio. I began crying again, which only made me mad and even more tired than I already was. I was tired of crying. I was tired of being here and not with my friends and family. I was tired of everything.

"Y-y/n? Is that you?"

My head shot up. I quickly grabbed the mic and smiled, wiping my face with my sleeve.

Hold On ·Will Byers x Reader·Where stories live. Discover now