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"Hey, Will."

"Hi y/n."

I had decided to bike to Mike's house and stopped at that playground a block away from his house. It just so happened that Will was passing by too.

"What are you doing here?" Will asked.

"Just wanted to get some air before I'm stuck in a basement for seven hours," I joked.

We both laughed at my sarcasm. We walked towards the swings and each sat down on one. For some reason, I felt drawn to Will, like we were somehow connected. I knew it sounded stupid and cliche, but something about him made me feel so comfortable.

I pushed my thoughts aside and focused back on reality.

"So how exactly is Dungeons and Dragons played?"

"It's kind of a role-playing game. You get to choose your character and follow along with the story line. And you complete quests, battle monsters, and save people."

"Sounds pretty fun!"

"Yeah, me and the guys have been playing since we were little."

"So... who's your character?" I nudged him.

"Uh," he blushed. "I'm a wizard. "Will the Wise"."

I tried my best to hold in my giggles, but I just couldn't help it.

"I know... I know, it's stupid really," he said as he laughed off the embarrassment.

"No, no. I'm sorry," I sighed, calming down from my laughing fit. "It's actually really cute."


We both smiled as we stared at each other's eyes. Will broke the gazed and stared off at the ground. It was silent for a while. We had gotten bored quickly and decided to head to Mike's.

"What's on your mind?" I asked as we walked to our bikes.


I gave him a puzzled look.

"It's just that..." he looked hesitant to tell me, but I gave him a reassuring nod. "Something weird happened a couple days ago. The first night we met you..."

My mind immediately went back to what happened in my bathroom. I stopped in my tracks and grabbed Will's arm, pulling him back.

"Were you attacked my a monster?" I whispered.

Will's eyes widened and his facial expression contorted into one of both confusion and fear.

"Yeah... how'd you know?"

"Because... because the same thing happened to me that night."

We both exchanged knowing looks of fear. We described each of our encounters with the creepy figure, which we found out to be the exact same one.

"Listen, I just got a new hand radio. We can talk more about this tonight after the campaign, okay?" I said.

Will nodded, and we both agreed not to tell the others just yet.

When we got to Mike's house, Mike's mom answered the door.

"Hi, Mrs. Wheeler," Will greeted. "This is y/n. We're here for Mike's D&D campaign."

"Come on in sweetheart. Everybody's already down in the basement. And.... who are you again?" she said, aiming that last part at me.

"Oh I'm y/n. I'm a new friend, but Mike invited me to play tonight," I respond with a smile.

Hold On ·Will Byers x Reader·Where stories live. Discover now