Josuke Higashikata X Fem!Reader: Crushes

Start from the beginning

The two of you were on a lunch break and en route to a secluded little alley cafe. It was a very chichi place, but in a poor part of town.

Sayaka was a stunning girl. Compared to her, you felt plain. She had flawless smooth skin and waist length auburn hair. Her honey brown eyes and rose petal lips made boys go wild. Well, every boy except Josuke.

"Y/F/N-chan, how can you rebuff him," she scolded. "You're so lucky!"

You shrugged.

"I just don't like him," you said.

"Hm," she said. "You remember when scrunchies were popular?"

"Um, yes?" you said.

"Well, every girl in school had dozens of them. They would trade them, wear them as bracelets, and put their hair in crazy styles just to show them off."

"How is this relevant to Higashikata?"

"Hush," she said. "Well, every girl had them. Every girl except you. You insisted you hated them. But, I think you didn't like them because everyone else did. Josuke is just like those scrunchies."

You stared at her.


"You don't like Josuke because every other girl likes him," she declared, triumphantly.

"That is ridiculous," you shouted back.

"Keep living in denial, Y/F/N-chan," Sayaka mused. "But you can't hide your feelings from me," she said, linking her arm with yours.

You grumbled to yourself as Sayaka continued to happily walk. Was she right? Was your distaste of Josuke just a pathetic attempt to separate yourself from the masses? You cursed Sayaka under your breath.

You were so lost in thoughts of Josuke that you didn't notice the three men emerge from an alley and begin to follow you.

"Hey," one called out. "Pretty girls. Why don't you let us treat you to lunch?"

You both rolled your eyes and began to walk faster.

"Yeah, we'll buy," another said. "You can pay us back however you want."

The three punks laughed. You and Sayaka walked even faster. You turned into the alley where the cafe was located. You approached the door but, to your horror, it was closed.

"Hey!" one said, grabbing the back of your school uniform.

You were ripped from Sayaka's grasp and thrown to the ground. You landed on your butt and winced.

"Didn't your parents teach you to respect your elders?" one of them said, leaning over you.

The other two grabbed each of Sayaka's arms.

"Look how pretty this one is," one of them cooed. "Why don't we keep her and let her friend go?"

"Naw," the one over you said. "I can deal with a bit of plain Jane."

You growled. You could easily take out these thugs, but you had to get Sayaka out of here. Even if she was your best friend, you didn't want to reveal your...ability to her.

"She'll take it as a compliment, right sweet heart?" he said, leaning in closer to you.

In a flash, you jutted your leg up and kicked the man in his jaw. You lept to your feet and slammed your fist into the gut of one of Sayaka's captors. He dropped his grip, and Sayaka wrenched her arm from the other man.

"Run!" you screamed at her.



With a nervous look to you, she ran as fast as she could. She didn't want to leave you at the mercy of these three thugs. But she knew the only way she could help, was to find help.

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