Meet Salazar's pet

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Merlin didn't know what to expect when he walked into the Chamber of Secrets but knew they would face something large and ugly. Like Salazar's statue.

He followed Harry through the narrow tunnel and marveled at how messed up it all was. He had to get that fool Lockhart and Harry out of this place before any harm came to the boy. Harry was too important. He shouldn't be here.

Stone pillars with - what else - serpents carved into them framed the long chamber. The floor was made of smooth stone and their shoes made an echo even though they tried to step quietly.

Harry's eyes darted to the dark corners. His breath was shaky from fear but he bravely trudged on. Merlin's senses were alert. He was using his Mind's Eye to see through the darkness and watch for danger.

"Look to the floor as much as you can," Merlin said in a hushed tone. "If the Basilisk comes out, close your eyes. There's water everywhere so his eyes could reflect. If you collapse to the floor petrified, it will likely eat you so it's not better than death."

"Got it."

"You can try to speak to it in Parseltongue to calm it down so it doesn't kill us. I hope it works."

"How can we kill it?"

"Its skin is impenetrable and resistant to spells so we need to aim for the open mouth - that's the largest target, the easiest, but also the eyes and nostrils will work. I wish you had some weapon, more than just a wand..."

"We'll work together," Harry assured him. "We can do this. And Dumbledore will be here soon as well. We can find Lockhart and get out of here before the Basilisk even notices us."

There was one more thing Merlin worried about. "Harry, promise me, if something happens to me, run. Don't try to be a hero and save my body. Just run. Please."

Harry smiled. "Believe me, I'm not a hero."

Looking at the boy, Merlin wasn't so sure of that. He was brave for coming after Merlin. Not many kids, even adults, would do the same in his place. His need to protect others brought out the valiant spark that reminded him of Godric Gryffindor.

Godric was cheerful and rowdy, the center of attention in every room he was in. By contrast, Harry was quiet and reserved, but when it came down to danger, he put others before himself just like Godric would have.

At the end of the chamber was a statue illuminated by a green glow reflecting off of a pool of water at its feet. Something moved on the floor and Merlin's heart jumped to his throat as he thought that it was the monster, but it was only Lockhart.

They quietly ran up to the clueless wizard who kneeled near the pool. The statue of the balding wizard with a long beard was easy to recognize - Salazar Slytherin. Of course, he would make a giant statue of himself. He was disappointed they didn't let him place one on the grounds.

"Salazar," Merlin couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Think he was overcompensating for something?"

Harry snorted but then sobered up again. "Where do you think it is?"

Merlin liked this chamber much better without the monster in it. He just wanted to get these two out of here, hand them over to Dumbledore and sneak back to face the Basilisk alone. He was the only one who couldn't be permanently killed. It had to be him.

Lockhart was staring down the green water. Merlin hesitantly looked in. It was too murky to judge if it was deep enough to hold the Basilisk.

"Let's go, Professor," Harry whispered and tried to lift the wizard off the floor.

The Gathering: The New Order of Merlin Book 1Where stories live. Discover now