80. Healing

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Several days had passed since Merlin had tried to heal Colin. Between a full day of classes, detention, and an early curfew, he barely found the time for a quick trip to the Forbidden Forest to gather the herbs he needed. So he trudged on now, holding a copy of his strongest spell in his hand, a freshly enchanted poultice in his pocket, and hope in his heart. He could do better this time. After all, wasn't he THE Merlin, the Greatest Sorcerer to Ever Have Lived?

Madam Pomfrey eyed his poultice skeptically and demanded to know everything that was in it. He knew that attitude well. Modern Healers considered the use of such methods outdated, thinking that their potions were the only "real" medicine. They were fools. Just because a method was old, it didn't mean that it worked any less.

They stood on opposite sides of Colin's bed and looked down at him. She did a splendid job taking care of the boy and keeping his body nourished, but he needed more than just care. He needed magic. That was something Merlin could offer.

"This one is designed to cleanse the body and soul of Dark Magic," Merlin explained as he got ready and placed the poultice on the boy's chest. "I should have started with this. I just didn't realize the severity of the magic that petrified him."

He put one hand over the boy's forehead and the other over the poultice.

"Where's your wand?" She finally noticed.

"In my pocket, where it belongs."

She was going to protest but closed her mouth and shook her head. As much as she didn't like the idea of unknown spells, she was curious about what this different branch of healing magic could do. For Colin's sake, Merlin hoped he could impress her.

He took a last glance at the page and tried to memorize the long incantation. He lowered his head so she wouldn't become startled at the flash of magic in his eyes and started chanting. He could feel as well as see it as magic was released from the poultice and encased the boy's body in swirling white vapour.

Madam Pomfrey gasped and Merlin hoped she wouldn't dare interfere when he was in the middle of an incantation. He repeated it several times and could feel the magic swell within him and pour into the boy. It was the strongest cleansing spell he knew. It had to work.

After all the vapour was released, Merlin finally stopped and checked on the boy. Colin looked strong and healthy but he was still very much petrified. The spell worked, he was sure he felt its power. He did not hold anything back so why was the boy still frozen?

What was the point of all his magic if he couldn't help a single person? Anger at his helplessness awoke the power he always tried to hold back and the glass panes of the windows rattled in warning. He reminded himself to get a grip. He took a step back to calm down before he caused any damage. He walked up to a large window and braced his hands on the ledge. He couldn't remember the last time when he struggled at healing someone.

There was only one explanation for why the spell didn't work. Colin was petrified by a creature of Dark Magic and only special Dark Magic could undo its work. There was no use in his spells and no magical shortcuts to take.

"We need those mandrakes," he admitted, hanging his head.

Madam Pomfrey approached him and put a hand on his arm. 'You said there were more spells you wanted to try."

"No, Madam Pomfrey. If a spell this strong didn't do anything, nothing else I have will. A dark, ancient creature did this."

Maybe even more ancient than him. He shuddered at the thought of going up against something as mighty as the Great Dragons. If only those mandrakes grew a little faster.

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