9. The year of Ginny

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       Ginny got off the train with a smile. Hogwarts. She was finally here. The ride itself was rather disappointing. She was supposed to ride with Ron and Harry, something she was scared of and excited about at the same time, but she couldn't find them anywhere. She ended up riding with two first-years: Colin Creevey and Su Li.

Colin seemed to be very interested in the fact that she'd met Harry Potter. She made it sound like she knew him well but that wasn't entirely true. While she had the opportunity to get to know Harry this summer when he spent a few weeks with her family, she felt too shy to say anything to him.

She didn't understand why he affected her so. She was never a coward so why did she turn into one in his presence? No, worse than a coward, more like a clumsy blubbering idiot. So, maybe it was better that she couldn't find him on the train so she didn't get to make a bigger fool of herself.

She liked Su. She appeared nice although with the way her head was stuck in a book the whole ride, and a textbook no less, not some interesting fiction, Ginny guessed that the girl was not going to be in Gryffindor. That girl had Ravenclaw written all over her.

Would Ginny even be in Gryffindor? What if she was the first one in her family to end up in Hufflepuff? She knew that she shouldn't worry about it but that didn't stop the butterflies in her stomach. She was the only girl of seven children. The same fluke of luck that made her a daughter among all sons could stick her in a different house, ending the impeccable family legacy.

"Pull yourself together, Ginny," she told herself. "This is your year. You've waited forever for this."

She shook the nervous thoughts away, ready to face the sorting. She hummed "Do the Hippogriff" as she trudged on, ready for what may come.

This was the year of Ginny.


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