Chapter Seventeen

42 3 0

December 12, 2006-

"So.. We'll get in a circle." Michael motioned for everyone to sit in a circle around the circle of red paint he hand made with weird symbols in the center.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Gabriel asked, crossing his legs.

"We don't have any other choice, Castiel is missing, we can't lose him, not after what happened with mom and dad."

"Why can't we leave it for the police? They're looking for him. This is dangerous."
Balthazar questioned.

"We all know this isn't for them!" Lucifer snapped.


Michael shot a glare at Balthazar.

"We do this for Castiel and if we succeed, we swear not to involve him with anything."

"Okay." Everyone agreed.

They took each other's hands, Michael ordered them to shut their eyes and he began to recite words.

By the end nothing had changed. They sat silently and Michael wondered if he had said something wrong.
Until the house groaned and the lights popped.

A black mist began to form in the circle, taking shape until a man formed.

He hand a book in his hand and he dropped it when he realized what was happening.

"Kids?! How- wait. You're- you're the Novak kids."
The boy spoke, his suit polished politely.

The boys spread, slightly afraid of the man.

"How do you know us?" Michael spoke. The man raised an eyebrow.

"It's all over the news. Your parents were murdered and that boy, with blew eyes went missing."

"Castiel." Michael remembered the task.
"We- we need help. We don't know where he is and the police arent doing anything. We have a feelings our aunt and uncle took him, Metatron and Naomi."

The man raised an eyebrow, "Those slugs? Oh what a delight, but what are the sons of a perished queen doing summoning a demon?? The Demon prince Himself."

Michael's eyes widened, "Dean? You're Dean. The son of King and Queen Winchester. John Winchester and Mary Winchester, brother to Sam Winchester and Step brother to Adam." Michael recited the basics and Dean smiled, "Someone reads."

"Please help us. We want Castiel back. He's only six and he knows nothing."

Dean frowned, "I will, I'll help you. Prince to princes. It's the best I can to do respect a fallen Queen, but there's a catch."

Lucifer nodded, "What is it?"

Dean motioned to the circle he was locked in and Michael hesitstsd before scratching at it with his foot, letting Dean loose.

"I know you're all understanding. Michael, you're the oldest, 543 years if I'm correct. You're all old, so I expect you to understand." Dean paused, "In order for me to be able to help, I'll have to take one of your souls. All your rights belong to me now. It's the rules of hell."

"Mine. Take mine." Michael hadn't thought twice about his decision. Anything for his little brother.

Dean sighed, "It's not that simple. I take the youngest, but he is to marry me by his 18th birthday."

The boys shared a look before Lucifer spoke up, "Then it's Castiel."

Dean nodded, "I'll get him back, but you also have to stay in contact with us due to the fact Castiel would be my future husband. I have an organization for the supernatural beings. You'll be apart of it, but you'll need to sign a contract that hand Castiel's legal rights over to me."

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