Chapter Five➷

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Mrs. White's eyes widened in a way Castiel's didn't understand.

"John Winchester? The John Winchester?"

Her voice shook slightly.

Lucifer's voice reached everyone in the building.

Castiel watched everyone pick up their things and begin their way out.

"Please. This job means a lot to us. My son didn't know any better. You can't just kick us out of the company!"

"Sorry, ma'am. Maybe if you treat your son not to harass people. He wouldn't get his skull kicked in nor would you have lost your job."

"I- please. I'm begging you. We'll replace the jug. I-"


Mrs. White frowned, "I DON'T UNDERSTAND?! That kid," Mrs. White pointed at Castiel, "He's a shame to your- your public viewers. He gets in nothing but trouble. My son didn't do anything wrong!"

Dean growled, "Take your fucking kid and get the fuck out."
Gabriel stepped between Dean and the woman, making sure nothing scary was about to happen.

"You'll be regretting this."

Dean laughed, walking past the people in his way.

Castiel walked after him, not sure why, but he did.

Dean had walked out the back door and was now leaning against the wall, his eyes watching Castiel stop in front of him.

"What's the face for? Shouldn't you be thanking me? I saved your ass." Dean rolled his eyes.

Castiel's frown deepened, "Me? Thank you? You made everything worse!"

Maybe Castiel was wrong for yelling, but right now, Dean was the wrong one.

"Me? How the fuck- Are you kidding? That kid was pushing you around! You couldn't stand up for yourself and you let him treat you like a fool!"

Dean got off the wall, moving closer to Castiel, cornering him into a wall.

"I Handled it fine! It was a twelve year old's birthday party and you just couldn't drop it! You had to make it a big deal! It's not like he hurt me!"

Dean stopped, a few inches from Castiel's face.

"You don't get it, do you, Castiel? You let yourself be bullied till you're barely breathing and yet you still don't get it! YOU CAN'T SOLVE VIOLENCE WITH PEACE! PEOPLE WON'T LISTEN!"

"You don't stop violence with violence either, Dean! You make it WORSE!"

Dean sighed, "I already knew it was going to happen. He'd been watching you since the moment he arrived. I was already tempted to rip his face off when he told one if his buddies what he wanted to do to you. How detailed he got about."

Dean's hands were settled on each side of Castiel's head, placed on the wall to keep Castiel locked in. He anger was very much visible.

Castiel scoffed, "Well I guess it's my problem, isn't it? You don't know me, I don't know you. So fuck off, because since the moment you decided to show up, you've been nothing but trouble."

Castiel spit at Dean with the anger that only seemed to build.

Dean's eyes darkened.

"You're just angry." He muttered, trying to hold himself together.. He couldn't help but continue to stare at his lips. How nice and pink they were. How soft they'd be between his teeth.

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