Chapter Eleven 2/2➷

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"Well hello, Deanie." Adam stood beside his car, Meg still seated in the back seat of his truck.

Nick growled lightly, his eyes turning a light purple.

"Woah! Calm your witch, bitch." Adam laughed.

"He may be a boy, Adam, but you forget he's much older than you."

Adam's laugh came to a stop, "So?"

Dean rolled his eyes, "He's much powerful too. I don't know why you keep coming by. You know we don't like you."

Dean's lips curled into half a grin, Adam frowning back at him, "Oh, Dean. You know why I'm here."

"I don't care why you're here, Adam. Stay away from Castiel."
Dean glared, shoving his hands into his pockets, the boy only chuckled.

"Why would I do that? You're being selfish and I'm sure he tastes as good as he looks too, Dean. That blood of his. Oh how good it must taste. I can already feel it as I suck on-"

Dean was fast. He is fast. Faster than any of his kind. He had Adam pinned against the side of his truck, his face close, his eyes dark.

"If you ever.." He paused, "If you ever as so much think about him again, I will rip you apart.. Piece by piece, and I won't stop. You know I won't. I'm only doing this because I care about him."

Dean's voice became dark, fear passing through Adam's eyes.

"Dude." Nick pulled Dean by the arm.

"You really do care about that toy, don't you? Hm. Dean Winchester you've become soft, but stupid too."

"Watch yourself, Milligan."
Dean spat at Adam, walking back to his car, and spotted Castiel come out the front door.

Dean watched Castiel from the driver's seat, starting his car.

Castiel stopped in front of Adam, a small smile on his face before Adam motioned for Castiel to get into the car.

Dean gripped the wheel harder as he noticed the way Adam's eyes trailed down to Castiel's ass, of course Castiel had decided to make himself stand out to Adam's predatory eyes.
Dean wasn't complaining about Castiel's ass, no, in fact he loved Castiel's ass, he'd stare at it for hours if he could, but Adam, now that's something he complained about.

Dean pulled out of the house and onto the road before Adam, growling under his breath every other second.

"Dean, I don't understand why your trusting Castiel anywhere near Adam."

Nick frowned at the older boy and Dean sighed, "I don't trust him alone with Adam, but I prefer Castiel learning than me forcing him not to see anyone."

"But you own him."

"No. I don't own him, Nick. You don't just own a fucking person. You learn to care about them and then take them and protect them."

Nick kept quiet the rest of the ride, the sun setting and the lights blooming life. The first thing was the Farris wheel. The colorful lights and the screams of the happy people running around.

Dean parked his car as close as possible to the entrance, he wouldn't dare leave Baby alone with all the possible things that could happen.

"Holy shit. I'm so excited." Nick smiled wide as they got off the car, Adam and his group joining them seconds later.

"How about, we stick together, Dean? More fun."

Dean shrugged. "How about. You stop ruining my fucking fun and leave me and Nick the fuck along before I punch your teeth in." Dean smiled back before taking Nick and pulling him towards the entrance booth for their tickets.

The Bargain (Destiel Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora