Chapter Sixteen

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"Hey, NOVAK!" Castiel felt himself being jerked into his locker and he grit his teeth.

He'd been gone for a week and the first day back he already gets picked on. How pleasing.

"Azazel." Castiel slammed his locker shut, turning to the boy behind him.

Azazel grinned, "I would ask you why you missed last week, but I'm guessing you've only been fucking around with Dean Winchester."

Castiel sighed, "Why would you say that."

"Amara. She Saw you at that party her dad made her go to, but you know, Castiel. I'm surprised. Someone actually likes you. Good for you."

"Right. What do you want?"

"Oh come on. Is that really a way to say hi to your friend?"

Castiel rolled his eyes, "Goodbye, Azazel."

He began to walk away, "Who says I'm done with you?"
Azazel stepped in front of Castiel, everyone around them was watching, hungry for a scene.

"I do." Dean stood behind Azazel, his hands crossed over his chest.

Azazel turned, becoming quiet for a moment.
Dean loomed closer, "Stay away from Castiel, Azazel."

"Or what?"

Dean grinned, looking at the individuals, "or I'll splatter your insides on the walls for everyone to see."

He pushed Azazel to the side, waving at everyone around them before turning to Castiel.

"I need to talk to you."

Dean took Castiel by the arm and pulled him into the nearest boy's bathroom, locking it behind him.

Castiel rubbed his arm, Dean had pulled a little too hard in his opinion.

"What do we need to talk abo-" Castiel was cut off when Dean planted a flat kiss on his lips, holding his face before pulling away.

"We can't be together, Castiel."

Castiel felt his body hurt, "What?"

Dean rubbed his face, "I like you.. A lot. I told you that already, but.. There's things you don't know. Things I can't tell you. It makes me dangerous to you. It could put you in too much danger."

Castiel pursed his lips, "How dangerous can you be?"

"Very. I'll tell you eventually, but for now.. I want you to hang out with Sam as much as possible. Stay with Hannah, I'll handle the rumors. Sam knows how to deal. He'll keep you safe, so will your brothers."

"My brothers?? What do they have to do with this?"

"A lot."

Castiel's gaze fell to his shoes. Dean had claimed his apparent love to him two days ago and now here he was telling Castiel they couldn't be together and he should keep dating Hannah.

"I get it." Castiel looked up at Dean angry. They can never be on good terms can they?

Dean sighed with relief, "Oh thank go-"

"You're too little of a man to actually tell me you don't like me. Although it's fine, Dean. I'd thank you very much if you just leave me the fuck alone then."

Castiel shoved Dean away, making his way to the locked door, only to be grabbed and pinned against the wall.

"Castiel listen to me." Dean's voice was low, serious, hot, "I want to be with you. I want to. I want to mark you all over, but I can't do that if you're hurt or worse. I don't want to live with the guilt that I'm putting you in danger."

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