Chapter Eleven 1/2 ➷

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"Oh." Castiel frowned at Dean who was sitting at the table eating a piece of toast.

Dean looked up at him with a look that made shivers run down Castiel's back.

Dean turned back to the magazine and coffee he had set on the table.

Castiel couldn't help but roll his eyes.

They were really doing this huh? Dean wasn't even going to ask him why? Of course he wasn't.

"I sense.. Tension." Rowena was next to walk into the kitchen, Castiel and Dean looking up at her with glares.

"No. No tension. Nothing." Dean answered, smiling at Rowena.

"Really?" She raised an eyebrow, her eyes going between Castiel and Dean.

"Yep. I just got up and I need coffee. I'm always grumpy before coffee." Castiel reassured and Rowena knew.

Rowena knew exactly what was happening, but she couldn't bring herself to confront the pair about it.
There's a lot of things Rowena might be bad at, but she's definitely not deaf.
After Dean had gone after Castiel she and Nick were able to hear their on going argument from downstairs.

She smiled, "Alright you love birds. You should get on ready before Adam comes over."

"Adam? Who's Adam?" Castiel's eyes flicked over to the sitting Winchester and he didn't miss the way Dean Tensed in his chair.

"Friend. He called. He's on his way." Nick waltzed into the kitchen, a grin on his face.

"Not. A. Friend." Dean corrected, his gaze on the teenager.

"I know. It was a joke, keep your fucking dick up ur ass, Dean." Nick rolled his eyes.

Dean scoffed, again turning to his magazine.

"I think.. I think I'm going to take a shower then." Castiel excused himself past the people in the kitchen.

"What about your coffee?" Rowena asked.

"I'm awake now."


Castiel heard voices downstairs, new voices. He had barely gotten out of the shower and was dressing into a pair of comfortable sweats and T-shirt that fit him twice too big. He didn't really care about it, he's not going anywhere.

He made his way downstairs in a some socks to see Dean gone and two new strangers sitting on the couch.

A male and female, both of them looking him up and down. The male grinned, his lips curling in a way Castiel noted he found charming.

"Castiel, welcome back. I'd like you to meet our guests, A-"

"Adam." The male stood on his feet, walking to Castiel and extending his hand out. Castiel took it, nothing more than a nod, "Castiel."

Adam's hair was neatly combed to one side. "Rowena. You never told me you had this beautiful boy in your home. I would have dressed better!"

Adam teased, looking back at Castiel, his brown orbs locking with Castiel's blue gems, "I hope nobody's got-"

Adam's eyes looked down at Castiel's visible wrist, the black ink becoming noticeable.


He looked up at Castiel, a grin that meant nothing good taking shape. His orbs lighting up with hunger.

"Adam.." Rowena warned, taking Adam by the shoulder and pulling his back, "Why don't you introduce your friend."
Rowena's eyes warned Adam to back off, Castiel not understanding.

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