Chapter Four➷

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"I'm glad you could make it. Didn't think Balt would actually tell you. I assumed he'd just forget." Michael grinned, handing Castiel his own half apron to tie around his waist. It covered the front if his black jeans.

"Hm. Well I assume he would remember after you threatened to burn his hands on the stove and feed them to the customers."
Lucifer raised an eyebrow at the oldest brother who just shrugged.

"I was just playing."

"Like you were only playing when you said Gabriel would wake up in a lake, and he did. The next day. Remember? He was found by kids who thought he was dead! You remember that?!"

Michael rolled his eyes, the bickering beginning between the two brothers.

Castiel sighed. How can two men in their mid-twenties still argue like ten year olds.

Castiel prepared his items, a small note pad and a pen.

He added a clip up to his white button up, Castiel N.

He adjusted what he needed before heading out to help Balthazar set up the tables for the kid's birthday party who was apparently turning twelve.

Balthazar had managed to squeeze two of their biggest tables together, which wouldn't really matter considering the kid's family had made reservations for the entire diner tonight.

"Where's Gabriel?" Michael asked from the kitchen.

"He got detention for the mess he made in art class. He's also gone to pick up our new addition to the diner."

"The what?" Castiel asked Balthazar, his hand dropping the napkins he was organizing on the table.

"Oh, right. Didn't tell you 'cause Hannah interrupted. We've hired a new employee."
Balthazar moved some of the tables around to make more space for whatever the fuck was about to happen.

"Really? Didn't think Michael would ever allow that."

"Hm. He thought it'd be fun to add a new person. Just to test the waters."

"Oh, that-"

There was a knock at the front door, Michael coming out and wiping his hands on his apron.

"It must be the family arriving with their preparations."
He opened the door to reveal about five adults, two holding bags of what Castiel assumed would be the party decorations and the others held presents.

"Welcome! You're just on time." Michael let them in and they gave a quick look of the place.

"Hm. Gloria didn't do as bad as I expected."
One of the women with blonde hair rolled her eyes at the rest of her little group who nodded in agreement.

"I never thought a bunch of.." She eyed Castiel and the rest of the boys who were present, "men, could do such a job."

Michael was clearly becoming annoyed, but kept his composer in an attempt to come off as a good person.

"Right. Well. Here are the decorations. They're coming in about an hour. I would get a move on. I'm surprised you didn't hire more... People. Not sure if three will be enough."
The lady continued and Michael Smiled.

"It's actually six of us. Two are on their way and one's in the back."

"Oh. Who cares. I just want this perfect for my goddaughter." The woman dropped her bag and so did the other lady before they walked off god knows where.

Michael stared at the bags at his feet before looking up at Castiel and Balthazar, his eyes were burning with anger.

"I bet they don't even know- they don't even- OH MY GOD. I'M-"

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