Alex- Well Demi is here so I guess you should go say hi an join the other girls.

Lauren- Yeah let's go.

We get up and go meet them in the kitchen where Camila is stuffing her face with Doritos, Dinah is texting, Ally is talking with Demi and Normani is just dancing to Beyoncé.

Demi- Hey Laur! I haven't seen you in forever!

Lauren- Hey! What's up? I'm in love with "Really Don't Care" like I listen to it non stop so thank you for saving me from boredom.

I laugh inside my head and stare at Lauren. I don't want her to think I'm creepy so once in a while I look somewhere else. I don't know she interests me.

She's got these fierce piercing eyes that literally take your breathe away.

What the hell am I saying, she's a girl..I'm not gay.

I think to myself an try to explain that there's no way I could like a girl! That's insane. It also makes no sense.

I was interrupted by Demi snapping her fingers in my face.

Alex- What mom!?

Demi- Did you not hear Lauren or were you ignoring her?

Alex- What? Sorry I zoned out. What did you say?

Wow I'm dumb.

Lauren- I said you have a really good voice and I was wondering if you would give me some advice.

What the hell???!

Alex- You want advice from me?? Why your voice is amazing!

Way to be fricken obvious dumbass!

Lauren- Thanks! Your voice is good to I really just wanted your opinion on something.

Alex- Oh okay.

We walk down the hall to her room and she looks pretty nervous. She tells me to sit down and that she needs to tell me something important and now I'm getting nervous.

Lauren- Well, I um...I think that I like girls.

Alex- So?

I say looking at her confused.

Lauren- No. I think I like like girls.

Alex- Ohhhh, good for you. One question...why are you telling me out of all people this?

Was totally not expecting that. I guess that's cool I mean people should love who they love.

Lauren- Well I didn't want to tell the other girls because I didn't want them to judge me and I was never as close with Demi as the rest of them so you were my last resort.

Alex- Well I think that's great. You shouldn't be worried about it you're an amazing person! You love who you love and if your happy that's all that really matters right?

I hug her for comfort and tell her that I'm here for ber.

Lauren's POV

WOW. Was definitely not expecting that. She hugged me and I instantly felt my gut drop and my face turn red.

I think I like this girl.

Ugh that's ridiculous she obviously isn't into me.

Lauren- Thank you, I really needed to talk to someone an I'm glad I could count on you.

Alex- Anytime, if you need anything just call, I'll never judge you. Okay?

Lauren- I will. Now let me go tell them and get this over with.


We walk into the kitchen and all eyes are on me.

Alex- Um guys Lauren has something to tell you.

I immediately freak out and start sweating. Alex notices and runs my back.

Alex- It's okay just tell them.

My mind rushes all over the place when I finally find the words to say.

Lauren- Guys. I...Im..Im gay.

They all look at me with big eyes and start laughing.

I instantly feel hurt until Dinah's words shock me.

Dinah- Finally thank heavens gurl!!!


Lauren- What do you mean??

Normani- We know you're gay. We've known for a while.

Ally- Ya we've just been waiting for you to tell us.

Lauren- Oh. Um. Okay. I guess?.

I feel so relieved that they are okay with it and we all go sit in the living room and watch a movie.

We turned the lights of and played the movie "Left Behind"

I was just sitting there watching the movie when I feel something grab my hand.

I look down and see Alex holding it and I just look up at her in confusion. She looks back at me and mouthed the words "I'm really proud of you".

My heart skips a beat and she moves closer to me. She rests her head on my shoulder and stares at our hands with a geeky smile.

I look back up to the TV and all these thoughts rush in my head. I quickly ignore them and focus on the movie.

I'm trying to watch it but I keep getting chills every time she rubs my hand up and down with her thumb.

____________________________________________________________________ Hey guys!!! I'm back!!! I missed writing so much and I've been obsessing over Lauren Jauregui so I decided to bring her into the book as Alex's new love interest. A bit of a shocking twist on things huh. I changed Sarah's name to Alex just because my name is Sarah and I didn't like it. Byeee!!!💖🎀

Special shout out to my bestie Deedee for helping me choose to write again!!!👑

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