Chapter 9.: Ruby Red Ferrari

Start from the beginning

On me they were nowhere near casual, but what are you to expect when you're going on your first ever date with a sugar daddy?

"Come out and show me!"

Kami practically squealed from outside the door, waiting. When he opened it he gasped loudly while I on the other hand fixed the vest on the button up.

"You look AMAZING!"

I blushed at the compliment and he quickly went to roll up the sleeves of the white button-up shirt.

"Now when your soon-to-be sugar-daddy, rolls up in his Rolls-Royce you will be prepared! Of course, don't forget the dessert afterward."

Kami winked at me, fixing the last sleeve. I had to admit I did look somewhat good and presentable.

"Also, I don't think he drives that kind of car."

"I was being sarcastic Izu,"

Kami laughed and stepped back a bit, looking for anything he could fix whilst putting his thumb under his chin.

Do you know those famous painters who admire their paintings? Except I'm the painting and of course Kami is the famous painter? Yeah, it felt like that.

"Mr. Katsuki Bakugou drives a red Ferrari."

"How do you-"

"I do my research Izu plus I know almost everything about the man. He's famous if you ask me."

I was puzzled. Kami has done way more research than me!

"Earth to Izuku?! Hey! Don't space out like that!"

"S-Sorry...I'm just really nervous about this whole thing. I mean what if I don't look good enough?"

"As I have said before, you look great, don't doubt it."

Kaminari smiled at me and that's when my phone vibrated from my bed.


Kacchan: I'm out front, can't wait to see you ;)


"He's here..."

My heart was beating 10x faster than it was before and I broke out into a cold sweat.

"Izuku calms down, you'll be fine. If anything enjoys tonight! This is the one night where everything will be about you."

I grabbed my phone and headed to the door, patting my pockets searching for my dorm key.

"Thanks, Kami, but where's my key?"

"Oh, you won't be needing it."

The blonde gave me a wink and pushed me out the door, rushing me to get out.

I have no way back into the dorm room, why would he hide the key from me?

Then it came to me

I started rattling the doorknob trying to get back in, but there was no luck in that since Kaminari had already locked the door.

"Kaminari! Open the door!"

"Nope! You'll thank me later Izu! Now go get 'em, tiger!"

I pushed my back up against the metal door of our dorm room and groaned.

I knew by the end of this date I had no choice but to spend the night with Kacchan! How well is that going to go?!

"Kaminari you are such a-"

"I hope you know I can still hear you."

I heard Kaminari's voice on the other side of the door.

"Good! When I come back you're going to be so dead!"

"Stop complaining. If anything you should be thanking me. Now instead of arguing with me, shouldn't you be going to meet your date?"

He was right. I took a deep breath In then out, trying to calm my nerves. With that, I started walking down the hall and to the main floor of the campus.

There outside stood a ruby red Ferrari with tinted windows.

I rested my hand on the metal bar to open the glass door. I hesitated at first, but soon when I got my act together I decided to just go for it.

"Here goes nothing..."


Sorry if the chapter seemed rushed and if it wasn't that good. We are getting there! And I'm excited for the next chapter to be honest.

Sorry for any errors! I type fast 😂

I hope you all enjoyed it and until next time 💖

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