Chapter 1

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Hey Watties, this is my first time really sharing Oxytocin so I'm a bit nervous as to how it's going to be received from you all. It's my baby and the first story I've written from start to finish; the beginning first starting during NaNoWriMo 2012. This is the first draft so there will be some things needed to be revised as time goes on.

In the back of the table of contents, there are Japanese word translations if needed.

Because this story has Japanese culture in it, if there is anything that needs to be changed or removed, please let me know so I make said changes. I don't wish to offend or seem ignorant. With that being said, please enjoy Oxytocin!

© All Rights Reserved / Bitzsoi 2019 




Spring 1991

The wait was excruciating. At least it was to a five-year-old little girl. Aija's soft brown eyes peered out from the hood of her turquoise butterfly patterned jacket at the busy road from where she sat on a metal bench. She was waiting at the bus stop with her mother. Raindrops from heavy gray clouds fell at a steady pace on top of her head making her squirm in her seat. Aija never was a fan of rain.

Her mother sat cross-legged beside her. She bit at her nails nervously while watching for the bus that would pick them up and transport them to where Aija's babysitter resided. With her young mind, Aija couldn't understand why she was constantly being taken there. Every single time her mother would drop her there for hours and hours on end and just the same, Aija thought she would never come back.

Didn't she want to spend time with her?

Aija glanced over at her mother who sucked teeth in annoyance. "Damn! You'd think the bus would come faster since it's raining. But I guess I can't hope for something like that, huh? It just figures." She muttered to herself, shaking her head.

She gave a smile to Aija and feeling like her mother's attitude was a little more approachable, Aija scooted over into the crook of her arm with a sigh. Sometimes her mother would snap for no reason and during those times she would tell the child to keep her distance. Aija took her mother's words to heart and to this day, a hand was never laid on her body in a negative way.

Today was a good day, though.

Aija snuggled into her mother's side, feeling relief as her mother's arms came around her. Despite the rain falling on her tiny cheeks, she looked up at her mother smiling. Caressing hands trailed over her wet face and loving eyes met hers.

"I'm sorry I've been so out of it this morning, baby girl. Things have been hard for mama lately. You know?"

She didn't but Aija knew her mother was distressed. "I know, Mama. Can I... help you feel better?"

Aija's mother shook her head no, but she hugged her daughter's tiny body tighter. Her eyes looked out at the various cars dashing left and right along the two-sided street.

"No, baby. You can't help mama with this problem. It's too big even for me. I can't believe my choices have got us here in life. I mean, look at us Aija! Sitting in the rain waiting for a bus instead of mama having a car to take us wherever we need to go."

Oxytocin (Medicinal Love Book One) FIRST DRAFT ONLYWhere stories live. Discover now