Chapter 40

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February 5, 2012

The next few days were a whirlwind for Hikaru and his family as they proceed to bury Ryunnosuke. As he was loved by many, a variety of known people who worked at the hospital came to his tsuya or wake to pay their respects. Hikaru, dressed in an immaculate black suit, bowed to each person who came in, gathering each of the black and silver envelopes of condolence money. Not that his family needed much money at all but the gestures were nice and all the money would go for whatever his grandmother saw fit.

The next day was the funeral which went about the same as the wake, but this time more civilians were able to attend. Ryunnosuke was given a new Buddhist name by a priest. This prevented his return if his previous name was called. Hikaru shivered at the oddity of it despite this not being his first time at a funeral. Once that was completed, Hikaru and his family were able to come over to place flowers around Yunno's head inside of his casket. Taking a glance over at his father, Hikaru was pretty sure he saw softening of Ryu's eyes but maybe it was his imagination.

At last, his grandfather's funeral was completed and one of the last few steps was cremation and burial at the Mizuno gravesite. More whirlwinds to come, especially since the reading of the will wasn't too far behind. Hikaru could literally feel his father's greedy hands grasping for his upcoming power.

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February 8, 2012

"This is the last will and testament of Mizuno Ryunnosuke. Today is Friday, January 27, 2012, and I am of sound mind."  

The Mizuno family attorney read out in a loud and clear voice into one of the medical center's many conference rooms where Ryutaro, Hikaru, and other members of the medical board sat. Hikaru was so ready for all of this to be over so that he could finally get settled in at home. He watched the lawyer intently, listening for anything that his grandfather left to him. First and foremost was the issue of the hospital's leadership.

"As we all know as per my previous press conference, the next CEO will be my firstborn child and only son, Mizuno Ryutaro. I say in complete confidence that Ryutaro will do what needs to be done in assuring the prosperity and well-being of Mizuno Medical Center."

Ryutaro didn't hesitate to celebrate his promotion from his chair, laughing loudly and holding his fists like a champion of some sort. Hikaru barely masked the wrinkling of his nose at his father's gloating and cleared his throat to hear more of the will. The attorney waited for Ryutaro to quiet down before he continued reading.

"However in light of recent events I have made an addition to my wishes: While indeed my son Ryutaro will take over the hospital, all rights of every one of the Mizuno medical clinics shall be relinquished to my first grandson, Mizuno Hikaru. This includes clinics in America as well. As CEO of them, he may do with them as he wishes but I also ask that he does so for the benefit of Mizuno Medical Center."

Ryutaro's smile dropped in an instant and every muscle, every bone, and every fiber in Hikaru's body froze as he heard each of those words. The clinics...belonged to him? Fully realizing that fact, the final chain around his heart was broken and with a deep breath, Hikaru let out a chuckle staring up at the ceiling, inwardly thanking his grandfather, the only man who truly loved him and loved him for himself. A single tear came out of his left eye and down his cheek. He was bursting at the seams to jump up with joy but he kept his demeanor to listen to the rest of the will, which split up his grandfather's monetary possessions. That was of little importance to Hikaru, though he did appreciate his secondary gift.

The reading of the will was over and everybody got up to congratulate Ryutaro and Hikaru on their acquisitions. Hikaru shook hands and accepted the pats on his back, but paused looking up at his father. Ryutaro's gaze told Hikaru that his father would have words with him later about the clinics. Hikaru knew Ryutaro wouldn't be satisfied until he had full control of Mizuno Medical.

He should know better... Hikaru thought to himself. He was his father's son and just like him, he never backed down from a fight.

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February 28, 2012

On the last day of the month, Hikaru stopped his rental car in front of what used to be the condos he lived in, getting out and taking a deep breath to quell his anxiety. What would Aija say? What would she do? Worse, what if she moved on? He couldn't think of that as he ran up to her house. He knocked a few times and the door never opened. He then called Aija to see if he could meet her wherever she was but instantly her phone emitted a disconnected tone.

"Kuso..." He groaned out, leaning against the wall.

Plan B. Hikaru called Shae. With the friendship she had with Aija, the young woman had to know where she currently was.

"Shae, it's Dr. Mizuno...I's Hikaru."

"Hi, Hikaru. Are you okay? You almost never call me."

"Yeah. I'm fine. Do you know where Aija is? She's not answering her phone or her door. I mean I get it if she's upset with me but I just want to know how she's doing."


Hikaru didn't like her unsure tone of voice. "Something wrong?"

"Aija doesn't live there anymore."

"Aija...moved? To where? Do you know her address?"

"Hikaru, she's not even in Washington anymore. She moved back with her dad in North Carolina."

"Oh. Dammit." This was Hikaru's nightmare. He now was at a loss trying to figure out what to do next then he heard Shae speak again.

"Are you back? Are you back in Seattle?"

Hikaru nodded though she couldn't see him. "Yes. I came back for her. I know I made a mistake, Shae but I never kept away from the thought of her. Not once. She's all I want. I'll have to think of something."

"I know you will. Let me know if you need any help all right?"

"I sure will. Thank you."

Hikaru hung up before he made one last call of the night. He rushed out his thoughts as soon as he heard the words, "Moshi Moshi?"

"Takumi, I need your help getting Aija back. Listen carefully..."

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