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"Jungkook? Sweetie, open up. I need to talk to you." She tried as gently as possible but Jungkook wouldn't answer. She could hear her son crying and it worried her. "Jungkook?" She called but answer.

Jungkook began tying the rope up as slowly as possible, trying to convince himself not to but there was no use. Taehyung made it to his house and rushed up to the door. He knocked hastily, his hands shaking. Jungkook's mother answered and frowned slightly. "May I help you, Taehyung?" She asked. "Please let me in, Jungkook's in trouble." He said quickly and she pressed her lips in a fine line before letting Taehyung in.

He rushed up the stairs to Jungkook's room. "Jungkook!" He called. Jungkook gasped slightly as he heard Taehyung's voice. "Jungkook please open up, whatever you're going to do don't do it!" Taehyung tried.

Jungkook was standing on the chair, the rope around his neck as he sobbed quietly. He had to do it. 'It'll be quick.' Jungkook thought as he stepped closer to the edge of the chair. Taehyung was fiddling with the lock before he'd finally got it, opening Jungkook's door and rushing in, terrified of the sight.

As Jungkook began to step even further, he felt someone pull him back from behind, his head leaving the noose as he fell back. Taehyung held Jungkook tightly against him as the boy cried harshly.

Jungkook's mother was in tears while his father just walked away, to hide his tears of course. "T-Tae-" "Shhh, I got you baby. Just, don't say anything right now." Taehyung breathed out, tears in his eyes as well. He almost lost him. He really almost lost Jungkook to such stupidness.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around Taehyung, grasping for him tightly as Taehyung pulled him closer. It was quiet for a while as he just let Jungkook cry in his arms, his mother leaving them alone for a while.

"Why would you do that Kookie?" Taehyung's voice broke. Jungkook looked up at him. "I'm s-sorry Taehyungie." Jungkook mumbled. "I love you too much for you to just leave me like that." Taehyung kissed his forehead gently. He pulled away from the hug and cupped Jungkook's cheeks.

Jungkook placed his hands against Taehyung's chest and looked up into his dark, yet teary eyes. "You mean the world to me Jungkook. You're my everything." Taehyung said sincerely. Jungkook nodded, Taehyung leaning in and kissing his cheek.

"Don't ever try and leave me again." Taehyung said. "I w-won't." Jungkook whispered. "I promise." He said and Taehyung kissed him. It made him feel warm and tingly inside, a feeling he liked. "I love you." He whispered against Jungkook's lips. "I love you too." Jungkook whispered back and kissed him one more.

After getting rid of that rope and making sure Jungkook was back in a good state of mind, the four of them sat in the living room. "I understand that you two are in a relationship and..." his mother began with a sigh.

"I need to stop trying to baby you Jungkook. You're right, your 18 for heavens sake. I shouldn't be treating you like this but it's hard seeing your child grow up. Especially when you're our only child. I just thought I could keep you pure forever but that's not possible." She said.

She looked at Mr. Jeon who nodded in agreement. "With that, we do accept your relationship, but on one condition." His father said, glaring at Taehyung "Yes?" Taehyung asked. "You be good to our son. Treat him well please." Mr. Jeon said. "That's what I plan." Taehyung said, holding Jungkook's smaller hand in his.

"And, Jungkook you no longer have to follow those juvenile rules anymore. You can stay out as late as you want and do what you want. Just please be safe and come back home at a reasonable time."  His mother said. "Okay." Jungkook mumbled.

"Sweetie, your father and I love you very much. We never want to lose you. You mean to much to us. Please know that." She said. Jungkook got up and hugged his mother and father, wanting to cry again. He loved his parents to. They've done everything for him.

"Thanks." Jungkook mumbled. "No problem Jungkook." His father said. "Can I spend the night at Taehyung's?" Jungkook asked. "I said you didn't have to follow those rules anymore, didn't I?" His mother said. It was going to take a while to get used to not having to ask to do everything.

Once Jungkook and Taehyung were at his house, they went into Taehyung's room. Jungkook felt like crying again. He wasn't even thinking in the moment that he wouldn't see Taehyung again. The boy walked over to the window and just looked at the moon and the stars, warm tears running down his face.

Taehyung was too busy straightening up his room to notice. He placed Jungkook's backpack against his bed before walking over to him by the window. Jungkook felt Taehyung arms wrapped around his torso from behind, Taehyung placing a kiss on his neck.

"Why are you just looking out the window?" Taehyung chuckled. Jungkook shrugged. Taehyung noticed the tears on his face. "Hey, hey don't cry. You're okay." Taehyung hugged him tighter. "I know, I-I'm just still a little upset. I'm okay." Jungkook assured as he wiped his tears.

Taehyung let him be alone for a while, laying in his bed and scrolling through his twitter feed. Once Jungkook calmed down, he turned around and just looked at Taehyung shyly. Taehyung looked up from his phone and smiled warmly. "Come here, bunny." Taehyung said sweetly.

Jungkook walked over and climbed in bed next to Taehyung, Taehyung pulling the smaller in his arms closely. "Please don't think about it anymore, baby. Don't think about what Yejin is saying either, she's just being a salty bitch." Taehyung said, Jungkook giggling softly. It was music to Taehyung's ears.

He kissed his lips gently before stroking his hair. "You're mine, baby, all mine and I love you. More than you can think of." Taehyung said sincerely. "I love you too." Jungkook mumbled, peering into Taehyung's eyes.

Taehyung's heart fluttered as he stroked Jungkook's cheek gently. He watched him drift to sleep, admiring him for what seemed like forever. Taehyung couldn't sleep though. It was just because he still felt worried for Jungkook so just in case something happened, he was awake.

Hours had passed, Taehyung still wide awake and glancing at Jungkook every now and then. His sleeping face was adorable and he could just look at him for ages. Taehyung had a thought that irked him. That maybe things would've been a whole lot worse if he never confessed his feelings for Jungkook.

That maybe Jungkook probably wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for him. He snapped back to his senses when Jungkook began to squirm slightly. The smaller wrapped his arms around Taehyung's torso and rested his head against the crook of his neck, Jungkook's warm breath tickling him.

At that moment, Taehyung smiled gently and kissed Jungkook's forehead before drifting to sleep. Because in that moment, he knew everything would be okay. That Jungkook was okay, and he loved the boy, more than you can think.

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