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A few days had passed and the project was due. Jungkook had to work on it all by himself which was very stressful because of all the other school work he had and the fact that he had to get an A+ on it. His mother would ground him if he got below a B+.

Jungkook walked into school alone because he was running a little late. He'd spent the whole morning going over the project and making sure everything in the presentation looked okay.

When he got to biology, Taehyung wasn't there which meant he was skipping class to get out of presenting. Jungkook felt sick. He hated presenting things alone. And worst of all, he had to go first. "Where's Taehyung? Does anyone know?" She asked. "He's probably skipping." One student said and the teacher rolled her eyes.

Jungkook presented the entire project and it sounded too much like he was The only one who worked on it. After he finished, the teacher told him to speak with her after class. Jungkook assumes he was in trouble so he had a mini meltdown in the back of the class, crying softly in his sweater sleeves so nobody saw him.

Class ended and he walked up to her desk. "Did you do all the work?" She asked and Jungkook nodded hesitantly. "Hey, what's the matter?" She asked. "T-Taehyung threatened to hurt me i-if I told you t-this." Jungkook hiccuped. "I'm gonna call the office. He's not gonna hurt you." She said. "T-Thank you." Jungkook mumbled.

Taehyung was beyond angry as a teacher escorted him to the office. Once he saw Jungkook who was going to be the shit out of him. He didn't care if he liked him, he was probably going to get yelled at by his father and then his parents were going to argue and he didn't want to hear it anymore.

Taehyung ended up getting two hours detention after school to make up for the project.

At lunch that day, Jungkook often glanced at Taehyung to see him glaring at him, which scared Jungkook of course. "He's going to beat me." Jungkook began crying again as Jimin hugged him. "It's okay, I won't let him hurt you." Jimin said.

Once Jungkook calmed down, it wasn't to hard for Jimin to cheer him up. "I'm gonna go get snacks, do you two want anything?" Yoongi asked. "No thanks." Jimin and Jungkook said. Yoongi walked off, Jimin inhaling deeply.

"Tell him please. I can't take you guy's tension any longer. It's clear he wants to make out with you and I'm done watching you guys flirt." Jungkook said. "No I can't tell him." Jimin said. "Why?" Jungkook asked. Because if he knows I like him, it'll ruin our friendship. I know he doesn't like me back." Jimin said.

"Who doesn't like you back?" Yoongi sat back down with a bag of chips. "Nobody." "Somebody." They both answered. Jimin glared at Jungkook who giggled. "What's going on? Who does Jimin like?" Yoongi asked. "I can't tell you." Jimin said quickly. "Um, were best friends. We tell each other everything." Yoongi said. "Sorry." Jimin said.

"But Jungkook can know?" Yoongi asked. "Yoongi it's not like that." Jimin said. "It's just, you tell secrets sometimes. Like remember last year?" Jimin said. "Are you seriously bringing that up?" Yoongi scoffed. "Okay, Jimin likes-" "Jungkook shut up!" Jimin looked Jungkook helplessly in the eyes. "God, I can't tell anyone anything anymore without them being a bitch about it." Jimin snapped and got up.

Jungkook was taken aback. "He just called me a bitch." Jungkook breathed out. "Whatever it is, it must be serious." Yoongi said. "Jimin has a crush on you." Jungkook said, Yoongi's eyes widening a little as he blushed as well.

"Really?" He asked. "Yeah. I know he's gonna hate me for this but he's too scared to tell you." Jungkook said. "I mean, I really like him too but he didn't have to make a big deal about it. Calling you a bitch was harsh." Yoongi said, Jungkook smiling at that. "You would make a big deal if you were him" Jungkook said. "True." Yoongi said. "Just talk to him, please." Jungkook said and Yoongi nodded.

After school, Jungkook was walking down the hall when he was suddenly shoved into the lockers, a few people stopping to watch. "Didn't I tell you not to tell?" Taehyung said, Jungkook backing away but Taehyung grabbed him and shoved him against the lockers again, a crowd forming.

"Didn't I?" Taehyung yelled and slapped Jungkook, the smaller whimpering in pain. "Taehyung don't...." One of his friends tried to hold him back. "Don't fucking touch me." Taehyung got out of their grasp, punching Jungkook in the face, blood beginning to run from his nose.

Jungkook kinda just blacked out a bit after that because he'd never felt pain like that before. Taehyung almost beat the boy to death but a bunch of teachers stepped in and had to drag Taehyung to the office while Yoongi helped take Jungkook to the nurse's office. Jimin had left school so he didn't even know the fight happened.

Jungkook woke up, groaning in pain as he sat up. "Oh my god, are you okay?" Yoongi asked worries. "Everything hurts." Jungkook let out, tears forming in his eyes. "Fuck, what am I gonna tell my mom!" Jungkook panicked when he saw his eye was bruised. "Just, hurry up and get him and cover it with foundation or something." Yoongi helped Jungkook up and out the door.

"What happened to Taehyung?" Jungkook asked. "They seriously only suspended him for a day!" Yoongi said angrily. "Wow." Jungkook shook his head. "Here, I'll just drive you home, it'll be a lot quicker." Yoongi said.

Once Jungkook got home, he gasped. "My mom is home early." Jungkook shuddered. "Shit, try and keep your head down." Yoongi said and Jungkook nodded. He got out the car and walked up to the door.

He didn't even unlock it because his mom opened it. "Where have you been?!" She yelled, Jungkook quickly walking past her. "Stop!" She yelled and he did. "Turn around." She said. "Mom-" "Turn around!" She snapped and Jungkook did.

"Look at me Jungkook." She said sternly and Jungkook hesitantly lifted his head. She walked over and caressed his face, examining his eyes. "Sweetie who did this to you?" She asked, worry filling her voice. "Nobody mom, I fell at school today." Jungkook lied.

"Jungkook don't lie to me." She said. "Who did this?" She asked. "Some guy in my grade." Jungkook admitted. "You poor thing." She hugged her son tightly, Jungkook breaking into tears. He hated himself so much. He never done anything wrong to deserve this treatment.


Jungkook closed his room door and enter his bathroom. He broke one of his razors apart and held the blade against his wrist. He hadn't done this since last year. He thought he wouldn't have to do it again, but his brain was telling him otherwise as he dragged the blade across his wrist.

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