23 The Rothenburgs

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Everyone in the room exchanged shocked glances as they whispered amongst each other. No one but Sami, Em, Aiden, Cooper, and Sheriff Davis knew that Lee was alive. Adam shifted uncomfortably as the guest stared at him.

"I didn't think we were throwing a party for my sister's attempted murder," Adam said as he shook his head. He was only talking like that because he messed up again. Adam just walked in on a death trap, he was caught.

"You're an asshole," Em said loud enough for him to hear. Adam's head popped up and they made eye contact from across the room. He glared at her and that's when she realized that Aiden was still holding her hand.

"Where is she?" Sheriff Davis asked. Adam threw his hands up in defense and let out a laugh.

"No need to be aggressive," He began. "I think you know where she is."

"You need to tell us, now," Sheriff said as Cooper stepped up next to him.

"I promised them that I would keep this whole thing a secret," Adam said as he swayed back and forth.

"Enough with the teenage drama," Cooper said with a scoff. "I need to know where Ashley is and I need to know now."

"Jesus, alright," Adam said as he rolled his eyes. "I'll show you"

"This better not be some kind of prank, Williams," Sheriff Davis said coldly as he pointed his finger in his direction.

"It's not," He said. He looked straight at Em as he said his next words. "I promise I'm not lying."


It's awkward enough when you have to sit between your boyfriend and your ex-best friend that is in love you but it's even worse when he literally tried to kill your best friend. Em was squished between Aiden and Adam in the back of the police car. Adam had given instructions to go to Fairmount.

"If you are referring to the cabin, we already know where to go," Sheriff Davis said. Em was so close to him that she could feel his body shaking as he laughed. She clutched Lee's jacket closer to her chest. She brought it to give it back to her.

"I know you know about the cabin but that's not where she is," He said as he turned his attention toward the window.

"Can we at least have an idea of where the hell you are taking us?" Aiden asked annoyed. Adam shot him a dirty look as he leaned against the window.

"If you insist, Devereux," Adam said. "She is with the Rothenburg's"

"The Rothenburg's?" The four of them shouted at the same time.

The Rothenburg's were a crazy family that lived on West Hollingsworth Street right near Fairmount Park. There were nine children and each of them had some weird name. The father was a crazy alcoholic who murdered their mother a couple of years ago. So when he got arrested, the oldest son, Wheezy, stepped up to take care of his eight younger siblings. Well, he didn't really take care of them.

Sheriff Davis didn't even need to ask for an address. There's so much trouble going on at this house all the time that the police are always being called by the neighbors.

Three of the kids were out front of the house. Lolly and Diamond were sprawled out on the lawn in tight bikinis tanning. Paco, the youngest, was kicking a soccer ball around the lawn, which accidentally hit Lolly right in the head.

"Watch where you're kicking, asshole," Lolly yelled out.

Lolly and her twin sister, Diamond, were known for not being the nicest girls at school. They had more bodies than Em could even count. She saw them and some of their other siblings around school but she never talked to them.

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