16 The New Couple

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It was the next day and Emercyn and Aiden were driving back to Em's house. They had just gotten done with another meeting with Agent Cooper about the events that happened last night. Later that day, the group and Agent Cooper would be visiting the abandoned cabin where they believe Matthew was staying.

"He was really different," Em said as she broke their silence.

"He looked it too," Aiden said. "Why is he even doing this. It's stupid."

"An act of rebellion because I don't love him back," She sighed.

"He's selfish," He said. There was no emotion in his voice but Em could sense how angry he was.

"I know," Em agreed. "I'm angry with him but I feel horrible. He's so different because he feels as if no one loves him and it's all my fault."

"It's not your fault," Aiden said. "He can't force you to love him."

She remained quiet as Aiden pulled into Em's driveway. He pulled the keys out and stared over at her.

"Em, what are we?" Aiden asked. His question nearly made her heart stop. It took her by such surprise that it took her a moment to answer.

"I don't know," She replied truthfully. "I know that I love you and that I want to be with you."

He smiled as he grabbed onto her hand. "I know that I want the same thing."

Em had thought about this moment for years. She would picture different scenarios and daydream forever. She always thought it would be so romantic and somewhere so beautiful. She never thought it would be like this. She was sitting in his car after a meeting with an agent because a man has something to do with her father's death and her best friend is a certified runaway.

"Well," He began. "Since we both want the same thing, will you be my girlfriend, Emmy?"

She rolled her eyes as she tried to remain calm. "If you promise to never call me Emmy again."

"You know I'll never stop," He said with a smile. She rolled her eyes again but this time with the biggest smile across her face.

"I know," She replied. "But of course I'll be your girlfriend, dummy."

He smiled and pulled her face towards his. Aiden made every worry, every bit of sadness disappear from Em and that was something she could never repay him for.


"Can you guys like not make out every other second?" Lily asked annoyed. Aiden and Em were cuddled up next to each other on the couch when Lily and her friend walked in on them yet again.

"Shut up, Lil," Aiden said in a teasing voice. She rolled her eyes at them and stomped up the stairs with her friend trailing behind.

"Back to what we were doing?" Aiden whispered to her. She hummed in response as they continued what was interrupted.

"I'm ho- Oh my god!" A sudden voice yelled out which caused the two of them to jump. Aiden flew onto the floor as Em looked up at the door in shock.

"Mark?" Em asked confused. She jumped up and ran into Mark's arms.

"I missed you, kid," Mark whispered to her as he set her back on the ground.

"I missed you too," She said happily. "But why are you back so early?"

"Jess wasn't feeling good. She was throwing up and sleeping the entire time," He said as his face twisted in disgust.

"That sucks," Em said in disgust. "Do you know what it's from?"

"No, I asked if she was getting her period but she said she hasn't had it in a while," Mark said as he sat down on the couch next to Aiden. They did that weird handshake like they do every time they see each other.

Aiden and Emercyn exchanged horrified looks.

"Mark, I know you're smarter than this," Em shook her head at him. "Common sense, Mark! She could be pregnant!"

Mark's face fell and he immediately put his head in his hands. "Oh my god, oh my god. How could I be so stupid? I'm such an idiot!"

"She's probably keeping everything from you," Aiden shrugged. Mark and Em both gave him a dirty.

"Or maybe she is scared to say that there is a possibility," Em suggested as she continued to glare at Aiden.

"What will I do? I start school in a little over a month. I have to be focused and put all my attention toward my work. Dad would be so disappointed in me," Mark said.

"No, he wouldn't," Em said as she sat down next to him. "He would love and support you no matter what. Besides, this isn't the end of your education. You can still go to school. You still don't know if she is pregnant."

"I love you, Em," Mark said as he pulled her in for a hug.

"I love you, too," She said with a laugh. "But I need to catch you up."

Em and Aiden sat Mark down and told him the story from start to finish. From the night at Andy's to when Aiden asked Em out.

"This is crazy," Mark said as he sighed. "Why didn't you call me?"

"I didn't want to bother your vacation," Em smiled.

"I think you should talk to Jess," Aiden spoke up.

He sighed, "You're right. I'll go see her."

He got up and walked toward the door. He turned around and pointed at them. "No funny business."

The three of them laughed as Mark left the house but his words didn't stop them from going back to where they were.

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