22 Welcome Home Sami

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"Hi, Em!" Sami said happily as Em entered her hospital room. Sami was being discharged today so Aiden and Em offered to pick her up. Her parents were throwing a surprise coming home party for her so they were busy. It was extremely typical for them to throw a party. The Williams always had a party for every occasion.

"Hey, Sami," Em said as she sat down on her bed. Sami was up and dressed. She was packing everything her parents brought up for her.

"Where's Aiden?" Sami asked as she zipped her bag up.

"He's in the lobby talking to Agent Cooper," Em said as Sami nodded.

"I've been up and ready since eight," She said with a laugh as she sat down next to her. "I can't wait to get out of here."

Em laughed but it wasn't her normal laugh. She was distracted and her mind kept thinking about everything that's been happening. Especially she wondered where the hell Lee was.

"You alright?" Sami asked.

"They still haven't found her," She whispered.

"I know," Sami said. "They keep saying she is with Adam but I don't think she is."

Em snapped her head in the direction of Sami, "What do you mean?"

"Adam's probably out in those woods hiding. He's a coward," She admitted. "Lee is somewhere out there but I don't think she is in danger. Maybe she's lost or something."

Sami saw the horrified look on Em's face so she hugged her tightly. "Everything's going to be fine. She is alive, she's coming home soon."

It was weird to her how Sami could be full of so much hope and love days after her attempted murder.

"Papers are signed, you're ready to go," Agent Cooper said standing next to Aiden at the door, the both of them smiling. Em and Sami pulled apart. Standing up, Sami grabbed her bag and swung it over her shoulder.

Sami walked over to Cooper and pulled him into a hug, "Thank you for everything."

"Of course," He said happily. She smiled and walked out of the room. The three of them laughed as they trailed behind her. She really was clueless about that party.


"What's Agent Cooper doing here?" Sami asked as they pulled into her driveway with Agent Cooper pulling in behind.

"He said he wanted to make sure you were okay," Em began. "They want all eyes on you and your parents until they find Adam."

Sami nodded as she grabbed her bag and got out of the car. Em followed her as they walked up the front steps.

"Hey! Wait for us!" Aiden called out as him and Cooper jogged to meet up with them. Emercyn took the lead and stepped into the house first. Aiden and Cooper followed behind her, making sure Sami came in last.

"Welcome home!" Was all that was heard as the four of them entered the house. Sami gasped in shock and covered her hands over her mouth. She even looked like she was about to cry.

There were a lot of people there. Kids from school, teachers, neighborhood people, her family, and a lot of police officers. Sami wandered off to greet people and Cooper went over to talk to the officers. Aiden grabbed Em's hand as they both walked over to Mark, Jess, and Lily.

"Finally!" Mark explained as he pulled both of them into a hug. "We've been waiting for you guys for like two hours!"

Em laughed as she hugged Jess. She whispered into the hug, "Congrats."

Jess pulled away smiling and then pulled her back into another hug. "You're the best!"

They pulled away from each other smiling. Em looked over to her younger sister. She was sitting in a chair next to Jess. She was biting her fingernails as she stared at the ground.

"Hey! You'll ruin your nail polish," Em said with a smile as she bent down in front of her. Lily didn't even budge, she sat there and continued. Em frowned as she placed a hand on her knee. She jumped at the touch. She finally made eye contact with Em. Her eyes were watery and her eyeliner was running a little down her cheeks.

"What's wrong?" Em whispered. Lily checked to see if anyone was listening. When she saw no one looking, she told Em.

"I was walking Sadie earlier before we came and I saw Adam," Lily said. Em froze at the sound of his name.

"Was Lee with him?" Em asked hopefully. Lily frowned and shook her head.

"He was alone. He was looking for you," Lily whispered. Em felt like her heart stopped. Looking at her little sister made her stomach turn. She could tell how afraid she was. She had to swallow her own fear and be strong for Lily.

"Em," Lily began. "I'm so scared. What if he hurts us?"

"I won't let him hurt you or anyone else. Okay?" Em asked her. Suddenly she wasn't scared anymore, she was angry. She didn't really care if Adam destroyed her life but she wouldn't allow him to ruin the lives of the people she loves.

"Have you told Agent Cooper?" Em asked. She slouched in her seat and shook her head. Em sighed and picked up her hand. "We have to tell him, like now."

She nodded her head as she stood up. They made their way through the house and to the back of the dining room where Cooper was with all of the officers. Sheriff Davis was the first to see them. He immediately rushed over to them.

"What happened?" He asked Lily. She wiped away her smudged eyeliner as she stepped closer to him.

"I saw Adam earlier," She whispered to him. Sheriff Davis' eyes went wide and his face went pale.

"What's going on over here?" Cooper asked with a smile as he threw an arm around Sheriff. Once he saw the mood of the three of them and saw Lily's tear-stained face, he let his arm fall back down to his side.

"Lily saw Adam," Sheriff whispered to Cooper. Unlike Sheriff Davis, his face went emotionless. Cooper never really reacted to anything like this, he was used to this stuff.

"Where?" Cooper asked eagerly.

"The corner of my street. I was walking the dog and he was asking if Em was home," She explained.

"Did you tell him where she was?" He asked.

"Of course not," Lily said. "I just told him she was out."

"Good," Cooper said. "We need to find him. Now."

Sheriff Davis nodded as he grabbed three other officers, leaving the others to watch over the party. Em and Lily followed them out to the living room.

"You guys have to stay here, okay?" Agent Cooper said as he turned to the two girls. They nodded as they heard the screaming begin.

"Adam! What happened to you?" Mrs. Williams yelled out. Aiden rushed to Em's side and put both of them behind him. He took Em's hand and held it as they watched the scene in front of them.

Adam was standing at the entrance of the house. He had no shirt on and there was blood all over his face. His black sweatpants had dirt stains and his hair was a mess. His nose was bleeding and a black eye was forming on his right eye.

"What happened?" Agent Cooper asked as he took a small step toward him. Adam let out a low laugh and crossed his arms across his chest.

"Who would have ever thought little Ashley Montanez could be so tough?" He said with a shrug.

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