09 A Horror Story On The Fourth Of July

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"Was that the guy from the funeral?" Aiden asked once they were back in the car with the door's locked.

"Yeah," Em whispered back.

"Do you feel any better? Since you have been taking you're medicine," He asked. Em could tell he was avoiding the obvious question.

"Yeah, I'm okay," She replied. Aiden fell silent for a couple seconds as he stared down/

"Did you mean what you said earlier?" Aiden asked softly. Em turned to look at him. He stared down at the wheel, refusing to look at her.

"I meant everything," Em said. "Did you mean what you said?"

"Of course I did," He said. Em noticed how he slowly leaned in. Her heart was beating out of her chest as she leaned in too. The sound of Em's phone ringing made both of them jump back before their lips could even touch. She took her phone out of her pocket and looked down at the contact, Sami.

"Sami?" Em answered the phone.

"Em?" Sami asked out of breath. It sounded like she was running. The sound of Sami's voice made her heart pound out of her chest.

"What's wrong?" Em asked concerned. She turned to Aiden to see him already staring at her.

"What's going on?" Aiden asked.

"You were right, Em," Sami said. Em's heart stopped and she froze in place.

"What happened?" Em asked. She closed her eyes as she let Sami's words play over and over again in her head.

"Lee just called me crying from the zoo. She was raped, Em," Sami said. Em could tell she was crying as Em felt herself begin to cry.

"Zoo. Now," Em said to Aiden. He asked no questions but started the car and took off.

"I'm in my car now. I'll meet you there," Sami said.

"Okay," Was all Em could manage to say. Sami hung up and Em let the phone fall into her lap.

"I was right, something bad did happen. Lee was raped," Em whispered. Aiden turned around and looked at her with a horrified expression. Em pulled her phone back up and dialed Mark's number.

"Hey, Emmy," Mark said.

"Get to the zoo now. Lee was raped at that stupid party," Em said quickly.

"Woah, what? What the hell. A horror story on the Fourth of July?" Mark said to himself. Em could hear him hurrying out the door.

"Just please hurry," Em said as she hung up.

The ride from the park to the zoo wasn't far at all. By the time Em hung up the phone, Aiden was already parked outside the zoo. Ashley's limp body sat on the wall closest to the entrance. As Aiden and Em approached her, she didn't move an inch. She sat there, her eyes fixed on the ground beneath her feet.

"Lee?" Em asked as she leaned down beside her. Lee's eyes stayed on the ground. Her hair was in two messy braids, her shirt was full of dirt, and the cute denim skirt that Lee had planned to wear wasn't around her waist. Her mascara was running down her cheeks ands the pink lipstick she wore was smudged.

"Here," Aiden said as he pulled off his shirt and placed it on her lap. Sami's car pulled up behind Aiden's and a couple seconds later Mark pulled up in the bright red truck. Sami, Mark, and Jess came running out of the cars.

"Lee? Oh my god," Sami said as she broke down in tears again. The sight made Em cry even more than she was before.

"Please talk to us. One of us. Please, Lee," Mark said as he sat down next to her. Lee lifted her head up and made eye contact with Em. Em felt sick as she stare back. Lee stood up and wobbled over to Em, the sight almost made Em throw up knowing why she couldn't walk. Lee tied Aiden's shirt around her waist. She stopped in front of Em and grabbed onto her shoulders.

"I swear to god, Em . I know him. I've met him before," Lee said softly.

"Who was it?" Em asked but it only caused Lee to burst into tears.

"Let's take Lee back to our house," Mark said. "I got ya."

Mark picked Lee up and carefully carried her. He gently placed her in the back of the truck. The three teens watched as Mark drove off with Jess and Lee.

"Are you gonna come back to the house? You can stay over. Lee will probably stay the night. I don't think she would want to go back to her parents," Em said. Lee didn't have a good relationship with her parents because of her sexuality. If she told them about what happened they would most likely think she was lying.

"Yeah, of course I'll stay over," Sami said with a smile as she wiped away her tears. "Where the hell has Adam been through all of this?'

"I haven't talked to him since we fought so I don't know," Aiden said as he crossed his arms across his chest. Sami laughed as she smirked at the two of them.

"I kind of told her," Sami said laughing.

"Wait what?" Aiden asked loudly.

"What's the big deal. You told me yourself," Em said smiling. Sami gasped loudly.

"Aw, so cute!" Sami said as she clapped her hands together. Aiden rolled his eyes as Em smiled.

"I'll see you back at the house," Sami said with a wink. She turned and got back in her car.

"You okay?" Aiden asked.

"I'll be fine. Lee is who we should be worrying about right now," Em said as she pointed at him which made him laugh.

"I'm worried for the both of you," Aiden said as he opened the door for Em. She thanked him as she got in.

"Who do you think did it?" Aiden asked quietly as he started the car.

"Could be anyone," Em said as she looked over at him. The sight of him with no shirt on made Em crazy.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Aiden said with a wink as he pulled out of his parking spot. She rolled her eyes and smacked him across the arm.

"Shut up and drive," Em said as she slouched down in her seat. He laughed as he sped off in the direction of home.

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