07 Bromance Problems

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Emercyn sat on her front porch on the night of July fourth. It was a little after six thirty and she waited for Aiden to come. The hot summer sun beat down on her as she sat in silence.

"Hey, Em," A voice said from behind her. Em jumped at the sudden sound. She turned to see Mark standing there with his arms up in surrdender.

"What's your problem? I didn't think I was that scary," Mark said laughing as he sat down next to her. She glared over at her older brother.

"I'm worried about Lee, that's all," Em said with a shrug. She didn't tell Mark about her plans tonight and didn't tell him about what happened last night. Mark would have freaked out.

"Well, you're definitely dressed for the holiday," Mark said with a playful smirk. She rolled her eyes and looked down at her outfit. She had on jean shorts and a random shirt. It's not like she was going to dress up for the night.

"Not really in the mood to celebrate today," Em said. Mark sighed and his playful mood faded away. He looked over at her with sad eyes, he really felt bad for his little sister.

"What are your plans tonight?" Em asked.

"I'm taking Lily and Jessica to see some fireworks. I'm not really doing anything since I'm leaving for Wildwood tomorrow," Mark said as Em frowned at him. Mark would be leaving for five days with his girlfriend, Jess, and some friends to go to the Jersey Shore. He was supposed to stay there the whole summer since he just graduated but with their dad gone, he didn't want to leave sooner than he had to.

"You're so lucky. I wish I could be on the beach right now," Em said as she sighed. If only she could be far away from Philly. Far away from the Fairmount party and far away from the mystery man.

"I would bring you with me but it's the only thing I have of a senior summer," Mark said sadly.

"I know you would and I would never ask you to take me. I really hope you have fun. You deserve some time away," She said with a smile as Mark pulled her in for a hug.

"What are you doing tonight?" Mark asked.

"Just gonna hang with AD," Em said. Mark looked over at her with his normal playful smirk.

"Just the two of you?" He asked. "You two have been spending a lot of time together recently. Are you sure nothing is going on?"

"Oh, shut up," Em said as she rolled her eyes and shoved her brother.

"I'm just kidding. If there was something going on between you two and you didn't tell me, I would be highly upset," Mark said as he placed a hand over his heart.

"I promise if anything ever happens, you will be the first to know," Em said laughing. "Even though I don't think anything will happen."

"Oh, shut up," He said mocking his sister.

"Hey, Adam!" Mark suddenly called out. Em turned to see Adam walking towards them.

"Hey guys," Adam said as he waved.

"What are you doing out here by yourself?" Em asked in a teasing tone.

"Nothing, why?" He asked. Em stared at him confused as he sat down next to Mark.

"No need to get all defensive. I was just joking jeez," Em said as she pushed herself off the step. Mark gave her a warning look as he phone began to ring. She looked down, Sami.

"I'll be right back," Em said as she went inside and shut the door before answering the call.

"Sami?" Em asked.

"Em! Thank god you answered," Sami said as she sighed. "Have you heard from Adam?"

"Yeah he's actually outside right now with Mark," Em said. A sigh of relief cam from the other end.

"We got into a huge argument and stormed out. I wanted to make sure he was alright," Sami explained.

"So that's why he's all pissy?" Em whispered as she rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry if he said anything," Sami said.

"He didn't, he was just acting weird," Em said. She looked out the window to see Mark by himself.

"Where did he go?" Em asked.

"He said he had to leave. He has plans tonight," Mark said with a shrug.

"He's gone?" Sami asked.

"Yeah, he said he had plans. Did he tell you about them?" Em asked.

"No, none at all," Sami said. "If he went to Fairmount, I swear."

"I don't think so," Em said nervously. Adam was a quite, shy kid that rarely ever went out. He would never step foot near Fairmount.

"If you don't mind me asking, what did you two fight about?" Em asked. There was a long pause before she said anything.

"Over you, actually," Sami admitted. Em gasped loudly which cause Mark to look over. She quickly put the phone on speaker.

"Over me? What did I do?" Em asked.

"I promise I was going to tell you all of this but I didn't know how," She said. "He told me earlier that he was in love with you. I'm not supposed to say this part but I don't care. He told Aiden about it and he got pissed. He asked for advice on how to ask you out. Aiden told him no and the reason why is gonna make you scream. Aiden told Adam that he was in love with you and if Adam doesn't back off, there's going to be a problem."

Oh was Sami right. Em screamed so loud that Mark had to cover her mouth and Lily screamed at her to shut up from her room.

"Sami, don't be messing with me please. If this is a joke, I will kill you. Oh my god," Em said as she jumped up and down on the steps.

"I'm so serious. That's probably why he was so weird around you," Sami said. Just then, Aiden's car pulled in the driveway.

"I have to go. Aiden's here," Em said as she took the phone off speaker.

"Oh okay. Have fun girly but not too much fun," Sami said teasingly.

"I'll call you later and tell you everything. Love you," Em said as AD honked the horn.

"Love you too," She said before she hung up.

"Mark do I look crazy?" Em asked as she quickly turned to her older brother. He laughed loudly at the sight of his younger sister.

"Your cheeks are bright red but besides that you're good," Mark said. Em eyes went wide.

"Hey, old head," Aiden said as he hung out the window.

"Is this a tradition now? You hanging out the window?" Em asked as she hugged Mark before getting into the car.

"I am in no mood for you today, Aiden Devereux," He said. He waved to them before he disappeared into the house.

"You ready?" Aiden asked as he looked over at her.

"Yeah, lets go."

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