04 Young Love

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Emercyn leaned up against the wall of the elevator and closed her eyes as she listened to the horrible yet relaxing elevator music. She looked up at the ceiling, little stars and planets were scattered around. The elevator dinged which pulled her out of her thoughts. They made their way to the front desk of the whole building.

"Hi, we're looking for the pharmacy," Mark said to the lady behind the front desk as he handed her the note. She took it and scribbled something down and handed it back to him.

"Down that hall and two the right. You won't be able to miss it," The lady said with a smile as she pointed towards a long hallway to their right. Mark smiled back and thanked her. The group made their way down the long hall and turned right. The pharmacy was huge, aisles filled with anything medical.

"You sit down and I'll take care of it," Mark told his sister before he walked over to the desk. Em sat down in one of the many chairs in the room with Lee next to her. Lee got a text, looked down, and almost immediately got back up. Em looked at her confused as she made her way over to Sami and Adam who were sitting on the other side of the pharmacy. Sami and Lee smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up. She mouthed 'what' to them but they didn't answer, they just laughed as Adam sat there. He looked pissed. He rolled his eyes at the two laughing girls. Sami groaned so loudly that Em could hear it from her seat. Em laughed as she watched Sami hit Adam on the back of the head. Out of no where, Aiden sat down in the seat Lee was once in.

"Are you okay?" He asked. Em looked over at him and couldn't help but smile.

"I'm okay. The news just has me a little on edge," She said as she stared up at him. Aiden was so tall that even when they were sitting down he was still towering over her.

"You're really strong. If that was me in there I probably would've cried," Aiden said which caused Em to laugh.

"Yeah 'cause you're a baby," Em said as she nudged Aiden's side. His laughter died down as hers became louder.

"Why do you have to be so mean to me?" Aiden asked as he pouted. Em rolled her eyes.

"Way to ruin the moment, Devereux," Em said which caused Aiden to roll his eyes this time.

"Oh, stop Emmy!" Aiden said in a baby voice. Em cringed at the name, he knew she hated to be called that.

"Don't call me that!" She said as she groaned in disgust. Aiden leaned back in his chair with a smirk across his face, his eyes never left hers. The eye contact made Emercyn's heart race.

After a long couple of moments of just staring at each other, she finally found the courage to spoke. "Why are you looking at me?"

"Is it illegal to look at you?" He asked, the smirk never leaving his face. His eyes were full of humor as they continued to stare at each other. It was so weird how one moment Aiden had her weak in the knees and the next he had her laughing her ass off. That wasn't anything new though.

"Never said that," Em pointed out as she crossed her arms across her chest. She copied Aiden and leaned back in her seat.

"Copycat," Aiden whispered to himself yet Em heard him. She scoffed loudly and hit him lightly on the right shoulder.

"You are such a bad whisperer," She said as she shook her head.

"At least I'm not a copier," Aiden said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"AD can I tell you something?" Em asked. AD was one of the many nicknames that Em had given Aiden.

"Sure. What's up?" He asked. The humor in his eyes went away as he stared at her and waited for what she was about to say.

"I'm really thankful for you," She said. "If you weren't here right now, I don't know what I would do."

Aiden smiled over at her. This wasn't the playful or teasing one she saw everyday but the genuine one, the one she only saw every so often.

"I'm really thankful for you too. You make life a whole hell of a lot easier," Aiden said as he pulled her into a hug. They laid there like that for a few minutes, her head on his chest as he rested his head on hers. Lee winked at her from across the room. Em smiled and threw up the finger. Lee hit Sami on the shoulder and pointed over to the two teenagers. Her face immediately broke out in a smile when she saw the two in each other's arms. She gave Em a thumbs up as Lee made kissy faces at her. The sound of Aiden's and the feeling of his chest as it rose and fell, she panicked when she realized he saw.

"I'm sorry about that," Em whispered and didn't move an inch. She wouldn't mind staying like this forever.

Aiden took a deep breathe before answering. "It's alright. I don't mind."

Emercyn nearly stopped breathing when she heard him. She replayed the sentence over and over again in her head. He didn't mind? What could that mean? She shook her head and pushed the thought of him actually liking her back. I mean they have known each other for years. They were as close as family, like a brother.

"Hey, I got the- wait wow," Mark said as he walked toward them. Aiden immediately sat up and took his arms away from Em, his face turned bright red.

"Oh god, Mark's gonna kill me," Aiden whispered to himself yet Em hears him. She would have laughed but she sat there with the same shocked expression as her brother.

"Um, Mark I-"

"No, no AD it's fine. I was just uh, not expecting it," Mark said with a laugh. Aiden stood still in the same spot. Mark walked over and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"You alright?" He asked. "Relax, bro."

"Oh, yeah," Aiden said as he snapped out of his trance. Em shook her head as she grabbed the small bag out of her brother's hand. She peaked inside to see the large bottle and cringed at the sight.

"You take one a day for now and then after a couple of weeks you'll start to take two a day," Mark said. She didn't take her eyes off the bottle but she nodded.

"Come on, let's go home," Aiden said as he wrapped an arm around Em. Normally, she would get excited over this but she was out of it. She was sad, confused, and for some reason absolutely terrified.

The Unlucky Five {1}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz