20 The Secret

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Emercyn sat in the lobby of the hospital wrapped up in Aiden's arms. Sami's parents sat across from them. The four of them took Sami back to the hospital to make sure everything was okay physically and mentally.

"I wonder where Adam went," Em whispered to Aiden, making sure their parents couldn't hear.

"He's probably hiding somewhere," He whispered back. "He has to be scared by now."

Aiden was right. Matthew and Adam screwed up. Matthew is in custody and Sami is still alive. Adam knows he's next.

"Em," Agent Cooper called for her at the door. Em and Aiden stood up and walked into the hallway. Cooper shut the door and pulled them to the room where Sami was sleeping peacefully.

"Before she fell asleep, she was really happy and explaining how she was still alive," Cooper began. "We ran a test, there are no drugs in her system and no brain trauma."

"So what are you saying?" Aiden asked. Both of them were hopeful that he would say her name.

"There was no body found at the scene of the crime. Officers looked all over the house and the surrounding area. Nothing has been found, not even one piece of evidence," Cooper said. Em smiled brightly, there was a chance.

"I don't want to get your hopes up just in case," He said. "I think we all need to talk with Matthew."

Em and Aiden nodded eagerly, wanting to help as much as they could. Agent Cooper walked over to a police officer that was sitting on the chair in Sami's room. They have an officer watching over the room 24/7 in case Adam or if anyone they don't know about yet that could have possibly been helping Matthew and Adam comes randomly. Cooper and the officer exchanged a few words before they left.

Sheriff Davis was talking to Sami's parents. Well, it sounded like they were fighting. The three of them entered the waiting room to see Mr. and Mrs. Williams clearly annoyed.

"We are her parents!" Mrs. Williams yelled. "We should be going back there to see her."

"I know Mrs.-" Sheriff was cut off by Mr. Williams.

"It's ridiculous that you are allowing children back there!" He yelled. "And what about my son that I've been calling you about? He hasn't been home in days!"

"Alright, that's enough!" Agent Cooper said as he stepped in between the parents and the sheriff.

"So you are the one on this case," Mr. Williams said as he poked Cooper in the chest. "Mr. FBI, can't even do a simple case?"

"You don't even know what we are working on," Cooper said with a small laugh.

"Well, clearly you're not working on who took my daughter and where my son is," Mrs. Williams said. Aiden and Em stood there shocked. They never saw Adam and Sami's parents so mad but they had a point. They don't know anything that the four of them know.

"Listen," Agent Cooper said. "We are working a lot in this case. The reason that Aiden and Em know some things is because they are victims of this horrible person too. I can not tell you everything yet because I need to talk to this person now. I promise I am not keeping you out of the loop and I promise I am doing everything to make this stop. You have no idea just how confusing and complicated this person's mind is."

Em looked up at Agent Coope with admiration in her eyes. He just completely calmed two angry adults in a matter of a minute. He didn't even have to yell or scream, he did it with such class and elegance. He reminded her a lot of her father.

"I'm sorry for shouting, Agent Cooper," Mr. Williams said. "Right now is really hard for us."

"I understand," Cooper said. "You can go back and see Sami if you like. We need to go talk to the person behind all of this."

Sami's parents smiled and thanked him before leaving to go see Sami.

"How did you do that?" Aiden asked in admiration.

"Years of practice," Agent Cooper said with a smile. In a matter of minutes, they were in the back of the car and on their way to the prison.


Emercyn had never been in a prison before. It felt weird being there and it felt even weirder knowing the reason.

The four of them sat at the table, all on the same side. They were in an interrogation room, Matthew wasn't allowed out in the general area. The sight of the chair that he would be sitting in made her stomach turn.

At any time, he would walk through that door. She stared at it for so long, she was too scared to take her eyes off of it.

A few seconds later, the door swung open. A guard pulled him into the room. Em never realized how tall he was until she saw him towering over the guard. He smiled at her, the same eerie smile she had seen one to many times.

She was terrified but she wouldn't dare show him. He wanted a reaction and she would never give him that satisfaction. Aiden grabbed her hand under the table as he slowly sat down in front of them.

"Hello," He said. "I wasn't expecting to have some visitors."

"I don't see why," Sheriff Davis said. "It was only a matter of time."

He laughed at them loudly. "She was a tough one. She would not let me get her into that damn car. She wasn't as rough as the other girl though."

Em knew what he was talking about and to hear him say those words made her angry. She remained calm, she wouldn't let her anger show. That's what he wanted.

"Why Sami?" Cooper asked. He stared at Em as he answered.

"The boy made me do it," He said. "He was so scared about what he told her that he wanted her completely gone. He didn't want anyone to know."

"What does she know?" Cooper asked gently. It weirded her out how he wouldn't use their names and it was even weirder how calm Cooper can remain.

"Why don't you just ask her yourself," Matthew shrugged.

"I want to hear it from you," Cooper said.

He sighed and rolled his eyes, "He told her our biggest secret."

Em thought about his words for a moment. She thought back to the hope she felt in the hospital, that maybe she was still alive.

"He didn't obey me," Mattew shook his head.

"What didn't he do?" Cooper asked. He looked over the four of them. He smiled and leaned over the table to whisper their secret.

He looked at Emercyn with a frown, "He didn't kill her."

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