19 The Secret Cabin

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"Sami, please say you're in here!"

"Where are you?"

There was a whole search team looking throughout Fairmount Park. Sami's parents and some officers took a different way. Emercyn, Aiden, Agent Cooper, and the Sheriff took another.

"Are we sure she ran into here?" Em asked. "She could have gone a different way?"

"I saw her run down this trail," Sheriff Davis said as he pointed down the trail.

It was just past six in the morning and they had already been out and searching for about two hours. Em didn't mind though, this was a distraction from Ashley's death.

It was hot and humid outside and being in the middle of the woods didn't help the heat. They trudged against the dirt path. It felt as if they were walking forever when they saw the cabin.

It was small and it stood in the middle of the trees. It looked horrifying, there was graffiti all over the walls and the roof was barely attached.

"Okay," Sheriff Davis began. "Em and Aiden, go and stay out of sight. We're going to go knock and see if maybe Adam has her."

Em and Aiden nodded as they quickly walked over to a huge tree on the side of the cabin and hid behind it. Aiden reached down and grabbed Em's hand as they watched Agent Cooper and Sheriff Davis knocked, well more like banged, on the door.

No one answered the door. They were expecting Adam to swing the door open and reveal himself but he never came. They eventually found a way to get into the house.

"I'm nervous," Em whispered as she looked up at Aiden. He pulled their hands apart and wrapped his arms around her.

"Don't be. They know what they're doing," He whispered back as he leaned down and kissed her forehead.

Even though Aiden always put her mind at ease, her mind was still running away from her. She thought about every possibility, good and bad.

Maybe Sami was in there? Maybe her dead body was? Maybe Adam was dead? Maybe Sami and Lee would come out together?

She erased any possibility of Lee being alive out of her head. It wasn't healthy to think the dead was still alive. She of all people knew that.

Agent Cooper and Sheriff Davs came back out five minutes later with a jacket, pictures, and papers. The closer they got, she realized what jacket it was. It was Lee's favorite. It was army colored and it had her name printed on the side. She wore it everywhere, she wore it the night of the Fairmount Party.

"What are those?" Aiden asked as he pointed at the pictures.

"I don't think you want to see these," Sheriff Davis said as he looked over at Cooper with a look. Em couldn't make out what exactly that look meant but she could tell how uncomfortable they looked.

"Please?" Em asked. Cooper looked at her with concern.

"Are you sure?" Cooper asked. They both nodded their heads. Sheriff Davis hesitated but handed the photos over.

Most of them were of a woman. She was beautiful with long brown hair and really pretty green eyes. A lot of her pictures were close up of her face and her eyes. Then they found the bad ones. She was bleeding in all of them. Bruises and cuts all over her face and body. She was even naked in some of them.

"Katherine Crawford," Agent Cooper spoke up. "Matthew killed his wife in that car crash. He was the one who was driving and he purposely crashed. He was left with so much guilt that he needed to blame someone. He blamed your father."

The realization of this whole situation came crashing down on her. When Cooper told her and her friends about how Matthew could be involved, she put it all together. She thought about it a lot, more than she liked. She had an understanding of it but she never thought he would have been the reason for not only her father's death but his wife's death too.

"I really never thought any of this would happen," Em said. "I thought he killed himself out of some sort of secret unhappiness but all this time his life was taken from him."

"And we are going to serve justice for the horrible things he has done to all three of them," He said. "And maybe possibly more."

Em shuddered at the thought of more victims. If you think about it, he had a lot of time in between her father's death and Lee's to be doing other horrible acts.

"Matthew is in custody and a trial will be held since he is accused of murder and attempted murder," Cooper began. "I'm going to need you guys to speak on trial and give evidence. As soon as we find Sami, she will be able to give us much more evidence about what happened between the both of them."

His words gave Emercyn hope that they would find her alive. With Matthew, it was a guessing game. No one really knows what's coming.

"Personally, I think Adam is with Sami," Aiden spoke up. Em looked at him horrified so he continued for her sake. "I don't think he's trying to harm her. Adam probably knew about his plans with Sami and if he does, he knows that it failed. He's probably scared, he knows he's next. Or he might even be trying to fix his bond with her before he is taken into custody."

"Kid has a point," Sheriff Davis said as he patted his shoulder. Aiden smiled over at him.

"Let's keep walking, we have twins to find," Agent Cooper said as they set off down the trail again.


"Emercyn!" A sudden voice called out. The four of them stopped dead in their tracks and looked around for the source of the sound.

Sami came running down the trail. Her clothes were torn and dirty. Her hair was a mess, sticking up in different directions. She had dried up blood on her face and it looked like she had been crying but she smiled once she made eye contact with her friends.

She came over and threw her arms around Em with a sigh as she repeated the same words over and over again, "She's alive! She's alive!"

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