03 Paranoid Schizophrenia

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"Emercyn Rose? Is that you?" A woman from behind the front desk asked. Emercyn's face broke out in a huge smile as she made her way over to the woman.

"Hi, Alice!" Em said as they both leaned over the desk to hug each other.

"How have you been? It's been so long since I last saw you," Alice asked with a smile. Around here, it's a good thing when they haven't seen you in awhile. Em hasn't been here since her dad passed away.

"I'm okay, a little nervous but okay," Em said with a nervous laugh.

"Don't be nervous! It's doctor Miller. Nothing to be afraid of," Alice said with a smile. She sat down and began to type on her computer.

"Mary should be out here any minute," Alice said. Em nodded and thanked her before sitting down on one of the waiting room chairs. Mary and Doctor Miller were the two people who took care of Em when she was first diagnosed. Ever since, they have been the duo who has taken such good care of her.

"How are you doing?" Aiden asked as he sat down next to Em. Her heart beat sped up at the sound of his voice. Em looked over at her secret crush with a smile. It started out as a little crush in the sixth grade and fully blossomed into an "I fell in love with my best friend" situation.

"I'm doing okay," Em said softly. Aiden raised his eyebrows, not believing one word.

"Nope. Tell me what's on your mind," Aiden said as he leaned back in his chair as he crossed his arms across his chest. Em laughed, he knew her too well. He was always the one making Em laugh even when she was upset.

"Just a little scared," She admitted softly. She couldn't tell him the other big reason. She always got nervous around him but would never admit that to him or anyone else.

"Don't be. We're all here to help and support you. No matter what happens in there, we will always love you," Aiden said as he pointed to everyone in the room.

"Thanks, AD," Em said as she pulled him into a hug. She could hear him laugh quietly as her head laid on his chest. He gently placed a kiss on her forehead before pulling away from their long hug with a smile. Emercyn was freaking out on the inside but had to remain calm, she didn't want him to know her feelings.

"Emercyn," A voice called from the door which caused the two teenagers to stand up quickly. Mary stood at the door way as she waved to her. Em smiled and pulled her nurse into a hug.

"Oh, it's been so long!" Mary said happily as she pulled away from the younger girl.

"Still smells the same," Em said in disgust as Mary led her and her friends back to a room. Mary laughed as she turned on the light in the boring and plain white room.

"And still looks the same<" Mary said as she gathered all of Em's paperwork that was scattered all over the desk. "I'll be right back. I'm going to get Doctor Miller."

"This place gives me the creeps!" Lee said as she sat down next to Em on the poorly padded bed.

"You're telling me! This shits straight out of a horror movie," Aiden said as he looked nervously around the room.

"Shut up! There could be little kids around these halls, you doofus," Mark whisper-shouted as he smacked Aiden on the back of the head, which caused the rest of the teenagers to laugh.

"Ow Marky, why you gotta be so mean?" Aiden asked as he pouted like a child. "Telling me not to curse in front of children when you just slapped the shit out of one, you old head."

Aiden stuck his tongue out at Mark as Mark swung on him. Aiden laughed so hard when Mark missed that he fell over, bringing Mark with him.

"You're so childish!" Mark said annoyed as he tried to get up but was pulled back down my Aiden.

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