11 Traitor

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Emercyn and Aiden parked directly behind Sami's car. The bright, large red letters stood out on the Montanez's huge house. The sounds of screams filled their ears. Sami got out of the car and knocked on Aiden's window.

"Screaming hasn't stopped since we hung up," Sami said with a loud sigh. Em's eyes were fixed on the letters. How could someone do something so horrible?

The sound of a door slamming caused all three of them to turn around. Lee came running across her lawn with a school bag in her hands. Her nose was bleeding and tears streamed down her face.

"She hit you?" Sami asked in shock.

"Sad to say it wouldn't be the first time," Lee said as she looked down in shame. Sami and Aiden didn't know about when Lee's mom hit her those couple times but Em did. Even though this wasn't new news, she still felt sick thinking about it.

"You alright?" Aiden asked. Lee smiled and nodded.

"I'll be fine. Today wasn't the only time my mom and I fought over my sexuality. I just want to know who the hell found out," Lee said as she looked back at her house and immediately turned back around.

Em thought about it for a moment. The only people who knew about Lee was their group of friends, Mark, Lee's parents, and her older brother. Em looked over at Sami.

"Do you think it was him?"Sami asked. Em knew who she was talking about because she thought it was the same person. Adam.

"I think so but I hope not. Why would he do something to Lee. She hasn't done anything wrong," Em said. If Adam did this, she was more than confused on why.

"Adam?" Aiden asked. Lee's face fell and she stared at the ground.

"Adam is one of my best friends. He knows everything about my parents and the problems we have. Why would he make this harder for me?" Lee asked.

"He has been acting weird lately," Aiden said. Em sighed loudly and shook her head.

"He has been acting weird because of us, Aiden. He's beyond pissed because I love you and not him. That has nothing to do with Lee and if he has anything to do with this then I will, and I mean it, kick his ass," Em said. She leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms.

"That's not what I meant, love," Aiden said with a soft smile as he placed a hand on her thigh, in attempts to calm her down. "Sami told me he's been acting weird towards her, not just about being in love with you. He's been distant, barely talks to anyone not even his parents."

"Something's wrong," Sami spoke up. "Something really wrong and we have to be the ones to stop it."

"Well, what are we going to do?" Lee asked.

"That's in red paint, we cane check his room. He's never home anymore, we can go now," Sami said. They all agreed to go now. Lee and Sami got into her car as Aiden started his.


They all met outside the William's household. There were no cars in the driveway which Adam and their parents weren't here. Sami walked up with Lee, Em, and Aiden following behind and opened the door.

"I'll be the lookout in case he actually comes home for once. It won't look suspicious if I'm down here," Sami said.

"Good idea," Aiden agreed as he made his way up the stairs. They turned left down the hallway. The sight of his door made Em shiver.

"If it was him, I might be sick," Em admitted as they opened the door slowly.

His room looked normal. A typical teenage boy's bedroom. Posters, clothes everywhere, and overall messy. Em took a step toward his desk. There were papers consisting of summer work and notes. It was no surprise, Adam was crazy smart and it seemed like he was always doing something school related. Under a chemistry review paper was a picture of Adam and Em in the back of her father's truck in bathing suits. It was two summers ago, the one before freshman year.

Em remembered that day. Her dad had taken the group of kids to Wildwood for the day. School was coming up and her dad suggested they did something fun before they went back. Her dad was always like that. He was adventurous, he was always in the mood to do something fun.

She turned the picture around.On the back, there was small writing in the bottom right corner.
"The night I fell in love"

There was a piece of paper folded next to the picture. Em's name was written in cursive across the paper. She unfolded it and read it slowly.

Dear Em,

You will never read this because I don't plan on telling you. I have no one to talk to so I decided to talk to you. I've been feeling weird lately and I know you and the others have noticed. I'm sorry for being so annoying and so rude, I just don't know how to control my feelings for you. It's been years, two whole years since I realized that I love you. I see the way you look at him, Em. You love him so much. I wish you looked at me like that, a stare full of so much love and so much passion. It makes me angry that you can't see the way I look at you. It makes me so angry that you only see me as your best friend but there is not much I can do, or can I? I don't know what I'll do yet but I'll do anything for you to be mine, Emercyn Rose.

Love, forever and always, Adam Williams.

Em's face fell as she read the words. She was so concentrated that she didn't realize that Lee and Aiden were reading over her shoulder.

"We didn't find the paint but we found something weird," Aiden said. He looked angry and Em knew it was because he was jealous. He always does when Adam is brought up

"What is it?" She asked as she placed the note and the photo exactly how it was.

"I don't understand why it's weird but here it is," Lee said as she handed her a small object.She turned it around to see it was a name-tag, with the name Matthew written across it. Her heart dropped and she realized what it was.

"The night of the Fairmount party, we came to check up on you and we ran into the man from the funeral, the man who's wife passed away. He was walking through the wood's and he was looking for his nephew. But why would Adam have his name tag?" Em asked. She ran her fingers over the letters. None of this made sense to her.

"I have no idea but he was hiding it. It was under his pillow," Aiden said.

"So Adam didn't paint on my house but he might have a connection to it?" Lee asked confused.

Em nodded and handed the name tag back to Aiden before speaking, "Adam Williams is a traitor."

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