"Are you hot?"

"A bit, it's nice and cool here though,"

"I am sorry I didn't come over much this summer,"

"You can always come afterschool, and I won't be mad if you don't come. You have your friends, and dad's friends to see too,"

"I am glad you came on holiday though,"

She smiled and put down her book, holding my hand.

"It has almost been a year since you met your dad, and you have started to grow up a lot. It is really important to me that I understand what is going on in my kid's lives, and it is important I understand my grandkid's life too, so of course I would come,"

"I really love you grandma," I said, feeling overwhelmingly grateful. I made it really obvious that dad and Harry were like my rock, yet grandma had been there for me the entire time.

When I was in hospital the time I was supposed to meet her, she came anyway and could've easily left me. She helped me apologise or thank dad, do my homework, learn how to cook, and just enjoy little things.

"We don't want tears," she teased, "ay? I know you love me, you tell me enough,"

"I just, I just feel like this first year has been really hard to adjust to, and that perhaps this new year- on tuesday- is a new chapter,"

"Like a book,"

"Is that stupid?"

"Not at all, it makes perfect sense. Perhaps this year you can focus on dealing with fears, and continuing to learn about those around you,"

"Will Julie have to ask me to be her girlfriend again?"

"No, nothing resets on new year, but it is usually when people make a fresh start,"

"Oh, good,"

"How did she ask it?"

"I think she had something big planned, but one time I got really anxious after class and was telling her she didn't have to stay, then she just burst out with the fact that she wanted to date me. She had a necklace for me, so I ruined her plan,"

"Well it worked out in the end. She sounds lovely,"

"Yeah, I can't wait to see her again. She makes my tummy feel funny,"

"As long as you are happy, that is the main thing,"

"What are you two talking about?" mum said, sitting beside me. Lauren sat with grandma, throwing her arm round her shoulder.



"New years," grandma nodded, "and how this year has changed our family. Viola was new too,"

"I didn't think I would ever have a mum and dad,"

"We wouldn't trade you for the world," mum said, gently nudging my side. It was still weird to think mum, but it was when I started to call dad, dad.

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