Leomord x Lunox ♤ hell knight

Start from the beginning

"Let's go do something else, why don't we make something?" Leomord questioned as he grabbed Lunox's hand, dragging her to the kitchen.

The two entered the kitchen, a grin was on Leomord's face as he went over to the oven. He had been practicing cooking just for Lunox, since before he had no idea what cooking was.

He was in a terrible state before Lunox came into his life. He has basically chained to Vexana, he would do all her errands in the Fortress, as he was prohibited to go outside.

Then, when Lunox came, one look at her and he knew, she would help him heal.

"Leo? You kind of blacked out there, you good?" Lunox shook him out of his thoughts, Leomord grinned at her.

"Yeah I'm okay, I was just thinking about when we first met."

Lunox smiled as she took his hand.

"I remember that too, I still can't believe me and Pa went so far, " she laughed from the sweet memory of her father confusingly looking on his map, turns out he was holding it upside down.

"I'm glad you did, or else we wouldn't have met, " he kissed her forehead, then smiled at her.

"Why don't we make cookies? They are our favourite to make together, plus it was the first thing you taught me to bake, " Leomord said as he got out all the necessary ingredients, she agreed with him and started helping him gather everything.

"Chocolate chip or oatmeal?" Lunox asked as she held up the two bags, Leomord thought for a moment.

"Let's do chocolate chip this time, last time we did oatmeal."

Lunox nodded as she put the chocolate chips on the counter and then put the oatmeal back.

When the two had all the ingredients they started making the cookies, with mini food fights and lots of laughing, it brought Lunox back to when she had first made cookies with Leomord.

After a few minutes, they had finished mixing everything together and had the cold dough in balls on a tray, ready to go in the oven.

"Do you remember what temperature to put them at?" Lunox asked as she grabbed the tray and opened the oven, putting the cookies in then closing it.

"It's 350 degrees, right?" Leomord said quite confused, his answer sounded more like a question then anything.

"That's right!" Lunox smiled at him and turned on the oven, setting the temperature to 350 degrees.

"Now all we do is wait, " Lunox said as she jumped up on the counter, sitting down on it.

"Can you get down from there? You might fall, " Leomord looked at her with a worried face, Lunox scoffed.

"You say that all the time, I'm fine Leo. Don't worry about me."

Leomord rolled his eyes as he smiled. He did say that whenever she sat on the counters, worried about her falling off or hurting herself.

"You got me there Star, " Leomord smiled as he said her nickname. Ah, more good memories.

Lunox blushed at the old nickname. Leomord would always call her that when they met, saying 'you are like a star, you shine brighter then anything else in this room'.

"Stars are only pretty from afar, " Lunox mumbled as she looked down, Leomord frowned as she stared at the floor.

"Hey, you okay? I'm sorry if I said something to make you upset..." Leomord grabbed her by the waist, hugging her. Leomord was way taller then Lunox, even if she sat on the counter she wouldn't be as tall as him. He would always tease her about their height difference.

She hugged him back and set her head on top of his shoulder. The two sat there for a moment before the oven beeped, signalling the cookies were done.

Leomord broke the hug and opened the oven, he grabbed an oven mitt and took them out, placing them on the counter beside Lunox.

"They turned out perfect, " she happily smiled, her mood changing drastically.

"They sure did, only because we baked them, " the two laughed as Leomord took a cookie, then took a bite.

"Mmhm, it's very good as always, " smiling, he took another bite and finished the cookie. Leomord was a lava mouth, he always ate food even when it was burning hot.

"I'm going to wait until it cools down, but thanks for the spoilers lava mouth, " Lunox rolled her eyes as Leo laughed, grabbing another cookie.

"Sorry Star, but it's the truth, " he shrugged as he bit into his second cookie.

"Save some for me would you?" Lunox playfully hit him as she laughed, Leomord almost choked on his cookie.

"F-Fine! But don't do that when I'm eating!" he said, finishing his cookie and going for another one, but Lunox swatted his hand away and gave him a stern look.

"Don't touch my cookies."

"Imma touch your cookies."

"No, you are not!"

"Yes, I am!"



Lunox smirked at Leomord, an idea forming in her head. She then jumped off the counter and pushed Leomord back. Leomord grinned, the pulled her in by the waist.

"Can i... Try that again?"

"Sorry Star,

But you already did it."


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