My stomach twisted in a cramp, and I gasped, bringing one hand to my belly and the other to my mouth. Luckily, everyone at that moment was rising and cheering the singer, unaware of me for but a few seconds. I pulled my legs off the lounge, looking madly for Erza, Lucy, or anyone. I had to escape the hall and get to my room.

I bent over at the next pang that pulled my stomach into a knot. My heart was racing, faster and harder than I’d ever felt before. My lips parted. If there had been any air in my lungs I might’ve screamed from the pain.

Mira was beside me in seconds, as was Erza. “Juvia?”

“Juvia is not well,” I ground out. “More than just Juvia’s wound. Juvia must return to her room-“

Another pang of pain strangled me. To my great surprise Gray appeared beside me in a blink of an eye.

“Juvia,” he said lowly, on my other side.

I looked up at him, desperate, frightened.

“She’s sick,” Mira said. “We need to take her to her room.”

“On her lounge,” Gajeel said, waving several servants forward.

“No, now,” I said, trying to come to my feet again. I was so afraid I was about to vomit, right there, in front of everyone, but then another stomach pain came, rolling through me, making me shudder. I reached for Erza’s arm so she could help me walk but before I knew what had happened Gray leaned down and swept me into his arms, careful to keep his hand away from the wound at my side and he carried me out. The crowd dissolved into gossiping whispers behind hands, but I had no control of the situation. At the next wave of pain, I cried out, wincing and shutting my eyes, hoping it would soon be over.

Natsu appeared in front of us, holding one door open and Lucy the other. I knew they followed us across the courtyard along with Erza, Jellal, Levy, and Gajeel.

“Where is the doctor?” Jellal ground out.

“H-he le-ft,” I said.

“Left? You mean he’s gone?” Gray was incredulous.

I nodded.

His handsome face became stormy with anger. “He did not ask for our permission to leave yet.”

“I saw him talk to Bora before he left.” Levy said. “Maybe he dismissed him.”

“Oh!” I cried.

Gray was practically running with me now. Before I knew it, I was back in my room, in my bed, but I couldn’t stay still. I was writhing in pain.

“It is the medicine,” I said, trembling and with tears streaming down my cheeks. “Juvia tried to tell the doctor it was helping with the pain but it was making Juvia nauseous….”

Natsu tilted his head at Mira, and she turned to wave a servant over. When he bent to speak with her, she whispered in his ear, and he was off.

Levy came to my side and took my hand in both of hers. “What can I do?”

“I don’t know,” I said, breathing heavily, embarrassed, but helpless against the pain inside me.

“You have to remain still, Juvia. Your wound-“

“I know,” I said, shaking and crying more, trying to be rigid and stiff. She was worried I’d rip my tender wound open. I was worried about it too, but it just hurt so much.

But my bigger concern was that something much worse was transpiring inside. An infection? A reaction to the medicine?

Mira and Lucy were apparently thinking the same thing because they pushed the men out the door, helped me out of my gown and into my original clothing, then gently eased me to lay on my back so they could look at the scar. I glanced down, thinking the wound would be completely open, oozing with an infection, but it looked just like it had this morning, except for a tiny tear in the center, where my movements had pulled it open.

Tomb Of Time And Destiny: A Fairy Tail FanficWhere stories live. Discover now