Part Two

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Erza's POV

It was dark.

I groaned, rubbing my head, wondering if I’d hit it but lucky for me it felt okay. My hand had immediately ceased burning the moment I ripped it away from the wall. I blinked in confusion, hoping my vision would clear. I could hear someone breathing heavily to my left. “Juvia?” I ventured.

A got a grunt in response.

Relaxing a little with relief I pause to catch my breath. "Where is Levy? I know I had her when I fell back..."

"Juvia was certain she had Lucy as well..."

Our voices echoed around the chamber and quickly died out. Up top, there was no daylight. Had we passed out? Was it night already?

"Erza! What's that noise?" Juvia panicked.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Noise? I tilted my head slighly and that's when I detected other sounds, odd, muffled sounds, the sounds of men crying out, and alarming sounds like men screaming, the clang of metal against metal, and the roar of fire. Had Lucy and Levy brought in reinforcements?

“Levy?” I called while slowly getting up. “Lucy?!”

I must've hit my head hard. I looked up-willing my eyes to see stars, moonlight, anything! But I was met with only darkness.

“Hey!” I yelled upward. “Hey, we're in here!” All I could think was that the guys in charge had discovered the tomb, and set the perimeter off limits. That our class had lost temporary jurisdiction over the site and somehow had not noticed that we were not with them- or at least Juvia and I weren't- before it was set off limits. As for the warm handprint, Lucy’s and Levy's disappearance, and the brightening and fading light from above… had no idea what that was all about.

We must've fainted or something.

I got to my feet and felt my way toward the corridor. “My apologies." I muttered, knowing that I was now spreading oil from my skin all along the wall. I brushed up against a smooth shape and gasped as I felt it give way, then crash to the floor.

"KKKYYYYYYAAAAAA!!!! WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?!" Juvia screamed while jumping on me, nearly toppling me over but I manage to stay upright.

“You remember those four urns near the entrance?" I say while shooting a glare at her. She giggles nervously and hops off me. "Well, let's just say there are three now." I finish, heartsick, thinking of the coming wrath of my teachers and the higher ups when they discovered what I’d done.

Juvia gasped. Never before had I damaged a site or artifact in any way, shape, or form. None of us ever had. But I’d gladly face their fury rather than be stuck in here. She facepalmed herself before pacing up and down the small cave.

"Well," Juvia tentatively said, trying to make light of the situation. "At least the urn helped us know where we are."

I nodded, not feeling any better.

And for sure, there was the curved stone that marked the entrance. I could see the outline of daylight around it as I neared. Only problem: It was plugged at the entrance with a large stone.

"Did they seal the tomb?!" Juvia exclaimed with a gasp, she quickly hurried over to the stone as she tried finding an opening to the other side.

"I don't know...." I whispered, trying to stay calm. I felt myself getting more irritated, time slowly passing by as I began to feel sickened in this muff cave.

I knelt and ran my fingers around the edge, considering options for removing it. The stone looked heavy, maybe six, seven hundred pounds.

I leaned my shoulder against it and pushed, grunting with effort. Even though I was taller and stronger than most women the stone barely moved, even with Juvia's help, and she was almost as strong as me, if not, as strong as me.

Huffing, I blow my bangs of of my face while shooting Juvia a questioning look.

She thins her lips in return and gives a small shake of her head. She began to bang her fists against the large rock as she began to scream as hard as she could, hoping for someone to hear her I believe. That or she just lost her mind… O.O

My response to her odd behaviour is interrupted by the odd sounds coming from the other side. Men:  shouting, grunting.



Our eyes widen in shock.

'What?! Is that?!…' I shoved the thought aside. Impossible.

And the main thing we had to focus on right now was escape. “Hey! We're in here!” I shouted.

I could hear the pause in whatever was happening. “Levy? Lucy?!” Juvia yelled beside me. But then the sounds resumed.

“Oh, Mavis,” I muttered. I maneuvered in the tunnel until my back and shoulders were against one side, and at an angle, I could press my feet against the stone, Juvia taking the same position beside me. We pushed and pushed so hard that our butts lifted from the ground. 'Almost...Almost…' I grunted, willing that stupid rock to move, move, move… With a sound similar to that of a battle cry, Juvia and I gave the stone a powerful stomp. Perhaps a tab bit too powerful because it went flying as if it were a home run baseball.

Coughing, we shakily get up, waving away at the dust that was falling from the entrance and we cautiously peek outside.


I took a quick glance over at Juvia, who seemed just as shocked as I was from the scenery in front of us. We slowly left the tomb as we stared down at an amazingly large field, in the mere back was a beautiful lake, and all sorts of trees were giving it all a little structure but I noticed something that could not miss my eye for one second…


Dinosaurs… (*-*)

My mouth fell wide open as Juvia began to run back inside, but I quickly grabbed her shoulder, yanking her back to my side. This had to be fake, because no way, that dinosaurs could be around this planet in this year! Juvia cried as she held onto my leg in fear, I shivered as well but my fear immediately grew more as I noticed 4 pair of eyes lurking at us from inside the tomb…

“Juvia…?” I whispered just loud enough for her to hear me, she looked up at me and noticed that I was looking at something in the back when I heard a loud growl.

“RUN!!” I cried as the eyes came closer real fast! Juvia jumped up and ran past me.

“HEY WAIT UP!” I yelled as I felt something following us close behind.

What was this madness?!?




Is someone…..



☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆ It's been too long!!

Then update more often ( ̄ヘ ̄)

Shut up! Go back to sleep Elly!

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