Part Fourteen

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Erza POV

"HE WHAT?!" Juvia shrieked that night I told her.

"Jellal danced with me and basically told me he was..... Interested in me." I said with a sigh while plopping down on my bed.

Juvia stared at me for a moment before squealing. Loudly.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~ THAT'S SO CUTE!!! ASDFJKLASDFJKLASDJFKL- WAIT A MINUTE...." She turned her head towards me with an elated expression before realizing that I was neither squealing along with her or blushing. A dark heavy aura- a quirk that she probably picked up from me- settled around her as she asks me. "What did you tell him?!"

I fiddled with my thumbs. "I- It can't happen Juvia... We aren't from here! He is supposed to marry Carmen! For the safety of Fairy Tail! You've seen it yourself! They need as many allies as they can get!"

"What. Did. You. Tell. Him." Juvia ground out through clenched teeth, her hair flying in a medusa-like fashion to show how angry she was.

I bit my lip and looked away. "I told him I had a fiance..." I mumbled, but Juvia heard me loud and clear.

"......YOU WHAT!?" She roared loudly, threatening to take down the tower given the way it shaked. "How could you do that?!"

"He needs to forget about me! And since he won't really listen to my reasoning on why it can't happen, I lied! It's better this way!"

Juvia pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance. "And did it not occur to you that if we don't find a way back soon, that people will begin to ask questions of your supposed fiance?!"

"All the more reason to find Lucy and Levy faster." I said lay back on my bed with my arm draped over my eyes. I could hear Juvia pace for a few moments before taking a seat beside my bed.

"It can't happen Juvia. Time travel aside, you know why it can't happen."

"...Yeah, Juvia knows.."

I nod without moving my arm from its place. The last thing I hear as I surrender to sleep is Juvia whisper.

"Juvia has a bad feeling about the ball tomorrow..."


In my dreams that night, I did all the steps Natsu taught me. And no, it wasn't the cool, romantic dreams, all about Jellal and his warm hands and strong arms, holding me. No, they were all the nerdy counting thing, freaking out when I missed a step. Call me a perfectionist but I just knew I was about to mess this up.

Juvia and I paced the room for hours before it began, already in our gorgeous gowns. Tonight, Ava's father would share with all his friends and acquaintances that two girls were here, looking for their sisters. In days we would know if one or both of them were here ...or if we were all alone.

With a sigh I open the door and we walk out of the room. We managed to make it down the steps without catching a toe in our skirts and tumbling all the way to the bottom. I thought that was a major plus. Natsu and Gajeel were waiting for us. Natsu grinned and said "Finally! Lets go I'm starving!"

I smiled and looked ahead, catching a glimpse of Jellal's blue hair and Carmen's light brown gown.

"Hurry up already!" Natsu said excitedly while grabbing my hand and pulling me. I let him because honestly, the last thing I wanted was to go to this party alone.

Juvia POV

I tried to ignore the pain in my thigh- which was now only a massive, purple-green bruise- and focused on not tripping. As a part of Ava's family party, I somehow represented them. I didn't want anything to get in the way them helping in us search. Like falling flat on my face in the middle of the dance floor. That would not be good.

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