Part Seven

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Juvia POV

We quickly stood and fled the room. As I shut the heavy door, I heard conversation erupt around all three tables. It didn't matter if they gossiped about us, the important part was that we’d set off tomorrow, in search of Lucy and Levy. That was, if I didn’t wake up from this dream before then.

We were nearly across the courtyard when someone took my arm and whirled me around. Hearing my gasp, Erza immediately turns and slams her fist down on the arm of my apprehender.

“Good mother of Zeref, calm down woman!” Gray cried out while rubbing his lower arm. He was definitely going to get a bruise. “Do most Bellum women have such remarkable strength?!”

“Gray?! What is it? You scared Juvia!”

He grimaced as if sorry, instantly dropping his hand. “What do you think you are doing? Going back to those woods again is crazy. My father isn’t kidding when he speaks of the danger of Phantom Lord.”

“And we relieved him-and you-of any responsibility. We fully comprehend your warning.” Erza said with an impatient tap of her feet.

We turned and resumed walking, leaving him behind us, but he hurried ahead and faced me, halting me again, thus halting Erza. He was even more frightfully handsome in the deep shadows, torchlight upon one side of his face. “Perhaps it’s different among the Bellums. These people, Phantom Lord”-he spit out the name like it burned his mouth with poison-“are unscrupulous.”

“Again, Juvia understands your warning. It is Juvia’s life Gray. Allow Juvia to live it as Juvia sees fit.”

“But that is just it! I endeavor to aid you in living it.”

I studied him for a long moment. He ran his hand through his spiky hair. Who died and made him our guardian? Sheesh, I was all for the chivalrous knight thing, but this was getting to be a bit much….

“Miss Lockser, Miss Scarlet we will make far better time without you,” he said carefully, dragging his eyes away from mine for a moment to glance at Erza.

So it was our lousy sidesaddle technique that made him hesitate. I almost laughed aloud.

“We will do better tomorrow.” Erza said with a hidden grin and a wave of her hand.

“Will you will send someone to awaken us?”

“I cannot promise that,” he said with a small shake of his head. It wasn’t that he didn’t think he could find anyone up to the task, I decided. He intended to use our weariness against us.

“Fine. Juvia and Erza will be in the courtyard at sunrise,” I said, stepping forward to tap him on the chest. “With or without your help.”

With that, I turned and rushed the remaining steps across the courtyard and through the door, Erza hot on my heels. She lets it slam behind her, then we both faced each other.

“...So.. Bellum, huh?” she said after a thoughtful moment. “Fast thinking.”

“Thank you. Juvia just hopes no one nearby is familiar with the place and begins to ask questions.”

Erza leaned back on the door in exhaustion and nodded. “Let’s get some rest, we’re gonna need it for tomorrow.”

I nodded and walked to my new bedroom, hoping the mattresses weren't too uncomfortable in this time period.

Erza POV

A rooster crowed somewhere, but I couldn’t find the energy to open my eyes. Fingers splayed, I ran my hands across the covers and groaned. ‘Why the hell is there a rooster so close to an archaeological discovery?!’

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