Part Three

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Erza's POV

I snap out of my daze as Juvia shakes me wildly by the shoulders. There were no dinosaurs, instead there appeared to be some sort of battle-scene reenactment going on, probably practice for a nearby live theatre?

'Okay Lucy, I promise I'll stop watching ridiculous Discovery Education shows.' I thought frantically as I watched the group of actors fight each other with freakishly real looking swords.

But those thoughts were dashed away when I saw a man block another man’s sword strike with his own, then plunge a dagger into him with his other hand. Juvia gasped, too surprised to scream. The injured man fell to his knees, clutching the hilt of the knife, his mouth agape. Blood spread across his white shirt in a slowly seeping circle.

I was too shocked to make a sound. No theatre practice I’d seen had had special effects like that. With growing horror, I glanced to my right, where another man was writhing on the ground, groaning. My hand came to my mouth. His belly had been split open, and some of his intestines were bulging out. Blood spread across the ground in a wide pool.

" is real!"

I couldn't wrap my mind around it. I was in the middle of a real battle.

A freaking sword battle.

Suddenly, I could smell the stink of sweat and coppery blood, all around me. Men were wounded or dying. Others seemed dead set on bringing the rest to the end of their lives. Juvia was struggling to breathe and grasp what was going on. I glanced left and saw that one guy wasn’t battling any longer; instead, he stared at me as if I were a female Lazarus, emerging from the tomb in my grave clothes.

I wanted to look away from him....

But I couldn’t.

He was the most handsome guy I’d ever seen, with a model’s physique and a face to match. Big, serious brown eyes, blue hair, and an interesting tattoo on his right eye that was as red as my hair.

I’d never encountered such hotness. (*/////*)

It was then that I noticed the young man behind him, equal in height but a little narrower at the shoulders. His eyes were hard, shifting from me to the man before him. He raised his sword as if to strike. “Behind you!” I yelled.

I watched in horror as he turned around to face his opponent.

'What is he-'


My mouth drops open as the same circle that surrounded the illustration of the man with stars and meteors back in the tomb, appeared in front of him. He is suddenly engulfed in a golden aura and rushes at his attacker at the speed of light, using his bare fists to land multiple blows, disarming his attacker instantly.

"It can't be… That's..Impossible!" I uttered in shock.

"Erza, look!" Juvia gasped out while shakily pointing at something in the distance.

The castle..... The one that was on the next hill that had been such a disaster when we'd first arrived....

It was no longer in ruins....

The walls were erect, the tower intact. Purple flags waved from the battlements, in designs that matched the second knight’s coat of arms, visible on his shield as he raised it to deflect the hot guys repeated blows.

"D-did we.."

"But t-that's impossible!"

I shook my head but the two small armies were still before me and that castle hadn’t changed a bit. Those two groups fighting for what reason? My hand went to my head as I struggled to understand what was going on.

Tomb Of Time And Destiny: A Fairy Tail FanficWhere stories live. Discover now