Part Four

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Juvia POV

“Where are you taking us?” I asked in their weird language, scurrying to walk beside Erza as she wrenches her armored elbow from the blue haired mans grasp. “What was that- that magic that came out of your hands!?” she demanded.

One of the men, the one that shot ice at our attacker, turned and eyed me and Erza, his eyes lingering on me for a heart-stopping moment before his handsome face contorts to a mass of confusion. “You’ve never heard of magic before?”

The other man continued before we could answer.

“What are you doing inside a tomb at this hour?”

Erza and I glance around nervously, noticing the two young men behind them. They were all in their late teens, possibly early twenties.

I tried to swallow but my mouth was dry.

“More importantly,” stated one of the other men that stood behind them. “What are we going to do with them?”

“I don't know.” The tattooed one frowned as he answered.

“How will we explain them everyone?”

“I do not know.” The ice guy glanced at me again. “Who are you?”

Oh that's an easy one. 'Hi, Juvia's name is Juvia and Juvia comes from the future!'

Hmm….It might be dangerous to answer this truthfully. How else to explain our sudden weird arrival!? I glance at Erza and she nods.

There was only one way to play this.

Pulling back my shoulders, lifting my chin and summoning as much courage as possible I look him in his gorgeous onyx black eyes that draw me in and leave me breathl- AHEM- and tell him “Juvia is Juvia Lockser.”

“And I am Erza Scarlet.”

“And we are in search of our sisters.” We finish together as if we planned this small speech out.

“Miss... Scarlet,” the tattooed one said, “How is it that you have become separated from them?”

My mind ran through several believable situations but Erza came up with one quickly. “My sister and I came here searching for our sisters. They were traveling here, but they have not responded to our letters” - ‘they couldn’t even if they tried’ I mentally added- “and we think something terrible has happened to them.”

I silently congratulated her for her fast thinking. This way, if Lucy or Levy showed up, we’d have somewhat of a story. They might even help us find them!

“They traveled alone?”

We hesitated. It was obvious by his tone that that wouldn’t have been very likely in his time. “With escorts, of course.”

He frowned. “Their men were trustworthy?”

“Very much so.” I replied.

One of the other knights, a pink-haired knight, gestured for the other soldiers to go ahead, leaving just the four of us alone.

“And your own men?” The ice guy pressed. “What became of them?”

I thought fast. “Disappeared in the night, with all our possessions.”

“Your horses, too?” The tattooed one asked.

“Gone,” Erza said. Like they’d never existed.

“Blackguards,” the tattooed one muttered under his breath. “If we come across them here, rest assured they will pay for their crimes.”

We nodded, fighting back a smile. But he was still on a roll. “What are your sisters names? Perhaps we can assist you in finding them. What were you two doing inside that tomb anyway?”

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